Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

okay and what about the other people you townread and gave no explanation for

I think I explained my reads on the first day, I just didn’t feel like repeating myself. Since it helps with knowing who’s paying attention to my older posts.

Hm. Hello everyone

Am extremely giddy cuz i got an internship offer :blobby::blobby::blobby:

Is this meant for me

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Gorta (5): ElizaThePsycho, beancat, Silviu200530, Italy, I_Dislike_FM
lol (4): Neon, Magnus, Cape90, May
Neon (3): Jarek, lol, Jaiden
May (2): Marluna, Zorvo
Italy (1): Lemonfairy
ElizaThePsycho (1): Gorta

Yeah, Magnus might be obv scum. Sorry, Magnus.

I accept your heartfelt apology, and your box of chocolates. I’d like to know how someone could be ‘obvscum’, since that implies it’s ‘obvious’, but since I’m neither it’s whatever.

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I’m shortposting, huh… Out of character, and fucked up if true. Maybe what lol had said earlier about wallposters got to my subconscious.

My hell solve from some bizarre dimension in the back of my brain is Zorvo/Eliza/Jaiden/Magnus, though it is based on no logic, no reading (I didn’t even read the game last night), and no thoughts. Head empty, even. It’s really just “who has agreed with me and trusted me yesterday”, honestly, which is a bad basis for deciding who’s scum.

I have a bad habit of getting too tunneled on D2s, so I’m going to step back and examine the game for different possibilities and get a shortlist of people I’d like executed rather than a list so short it contains only one name.

You’re either obvious scum or not scum at all. Obviousness and % chance of being scum aren’t necessarily one-to-one. Take someone who claims mafia at the start of D1, for example; they’re not scum for certain, but if they are scum, they’re obvious about it.

I had this speech prepared because when I reread that post, I also was like “wait, that’s contradictory”, and then I had to think it out and figure out what I actually meant.

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Remind me to let you in on an inside joke postgame. The hosts and I are in the know.

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i feel like you need to be as clear as possible right now

I’m going to die of suspense in the meantime, so you probably won’t even have to actually tell me… or maybe you’ll need to hold a seance or something?

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Second highest poster asked to explain themselves yet again because they have too many posts to sift through.

Come to think of it, this is literally just a list of people who’ve been in a lot of the games I’ve played. This is just a list of people I know. This is the pinnacle of mafia gameplay


then stop hyperposting


Refuge in audacity, role requirements jive with a dayvig, mechanical speculation makes me think she’s good.

Mech cleared.

Was on the Lol wagon, independently towny around half the second half of the first day, once she started doing stuff.


Independently towny, voted Lol last minute, wolf doesn’t need to interfere and draw attention to themselves like that.

Mum said it was my turn to hyperpost.

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to quote me at the start of this game,
you dont know me bitch

I know you exist, which is more than I can say of half the people in the game, because I forget who nearly everyone is as soon as I stop looking at their posts

I am doing zero proofreading, today, huh. I think I might be a littol out of it. I think I might need to pause on the mafia games for now and re-collect myself.

So that Gorta exe was… not great :confused:

Think a good place to start is someone that was encouraging Gorta’s wrong take on Eliza then voted them

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VOTE: Dislike