Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

So far silviu has been the only one to correctly read me.

No wonder it’s so hard for you to read me Magnus, you’re too busy analyzing why I would play when I already am.

If you think I’m Mafia, why would I bother to read you? I’d just be fabricating a case on you, and since it’s made up any number of people could draw a different conclusion.

A misexe immune town role that scans red is inherently harmful to town and should be resolved immediately. To bad Lol wasted their shot for absolutely no reason.

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They’re apparently not scanning red though they’re just a hollow man.

I dont like you Magnus. That’s all I’m going to say on this matter.

You are wolf lean for me

IDFM… listen, I try not to poke too much at your conversations with Magnus, and I know you won’t take this from me, but as I’ve tried to convey earlier, you’re not… understanding the criticisms people are providing to your arguments, because you’re not reading and answering the questions people are asking.

I’d be telling you this were I wolf or town, and I’d be equally as honest either way: it feels like people are just talking past you, and as a result, you’re talking past them. Look here:

Magnus asked you why you think I placed a vote on lol to save Neon.

You… didn’t answer, you just talked about how I’m posting fluff.

While I understand you have your own playstyle that you like to adhere to, you’ve also got to meet people in the middle in mafia. Even if you think this is the most effective way to solve the game, and even if it makes you 100% right, you’ve also got to convince everyone else to vote in your favor.

It’s not just wolves who have to play the social game. Appealing to people as town is essential, too, and I think that’s what’s falling flat for you right now.

People who think you’re not even listening to their opinions can write you off as “oh, he’s not even considering this, he’s just tunneled”, while people who watch you clearly respect them and think about what they’re saying will be more likely to be receptive to your own cases, even if you don’t intend to actually change your mind.


Lmao this is even worse for town xD

Yeah but killing a person just because their role is negative utility isn’t good? If they’re town we should kill wolves? I don’t get it

I’m here to win

Mind you cape90 was at the top of my towncore followed by silviu

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I mean we can try to see if Marluna is trying to do intricate lies. But it s better to look for who she s interacting with considering such supreme role

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Negative utility roles can sorta benefit Town, if the villager with the role knows how to use it. I’m not saying a negative utility role is either better than a positive utility, but you can always make the best of it.
Take UFO as an example: Achro claiming Delayed Innocent Child as a Doomed role. It’s about the player, not their role.

Yes, and to win, you’ve got to convince other people to vote in your direction. If you’re town, the four-vote wagon on you is a misexe… that’s bad for town.

The wagon is present because of your own gameplay - there’s no mechanical information involved here. So if you want to stop being voted, and therefore stop a misexe, you will need to change your gameplay.

I know you say your flip will incriminate Magnus and I in the eyes of everyone else, but… honestly, I don’t think that’s true. I don’t think people are going to believe you even upon a hypothetical village flip. If you want to change that, you’re going to have to change how you argue.

Jaiden have tried to be productive, but what does that mean alignment wise?

I mean okay sure I understand the point you’re making

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By the way, the two lowest posters of yesterday were @lol and @beancat

Let this be a reminder in the future.