Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

I’ve missed details before. My performance doesn’t change the words on my card.

that’s what the wiki example says

Can I even rely on the wiki idk

I’m not even following

That’s what my ability does. It doesn’t say that word-for-word, but it’s functionally the same.
Pretty much, I assumed I would stop all incoming and outgoing abilities.

It just specifies kills any incoming abilities still work, outgoing obviously not since it’s a roleblock.

Right. I made that mistake because of Town of Salem’s Jailor.

you know i never really took that for a robot
i thought it was just a cartoonishly drawn dragon

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yeah that’s synthwave in the background too

get it. Because it’s a synth. The artist was pretty funny.

Players who are cleared from Neon flip/otherwise.


Which leaves the remaining wolves in this list

Zorvo (Same alignment with Magnus)
Magnus (Same alignment with Zorvo)

Magnus/Zorvo are almost always the same alignment from the way the latter handled Neon, Magnus and me during D2.
If either of them flips town, the other is just town from my perspective.
Ditto if either flips scum.
I’m leaning towards Silviu being town from Neon, though it isn’t as obvious as Jarek being cleared from Neon spew for example.

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Idk your ability just…doesn’t seem useful at all? Either you’re right or you’re wrong. Unless you’re uber-convinced your worldview is right and the rest of the town are braindead idiots!! then what does your ability even do?

Like really. I don’t see any use whatsoever.

These are the teams depending on Magnus/Zorvo alignments from my perspective.

Magnus/Zorvo town.
2-3 in May/Silviu/Jaiden and Beancat

Magnus/Zorvo scum.
Magnus/Zorvo and +1 out of May/Silviu/Jaiden/Beancat.

Which makes it hard to believe to be honest - but then we also have a slank doctor claim and that’s equally impossible to think as anything but cannon fodder so…

These are both good posts, they show critical thought.
I’m fairly comfortable being partnered with Zorvo.

Is today the day we all claim

I doubt it’ll do much but why not

The only people who haven’t hardclaimed are Cape and Jaiden, to my knowledge.
Cape’s Town either way, but Jaiden’s being weird. I won’t push for a claim from either, but I wouldn’t refuse to hear them.

… Can anyone tell me if it’s, like, a mostly blanket bad idea to use my role or what, I have no fucking clue at this point and I’m tired of agonizing over the decision overnight.

If you know you’re town use your ability to put the 4 other people in the PoE into a forced 4-way vote.

Yeah I thought of doing that last night and then I didn’t. Maybe bad idea

That way you force us to be unable to resolve you and force us to resolve everyone else first. You’d go last, and buy yourself more time to post your own solves and yada yada