Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

Beancat’s vote on me reeks heavily of a town who is way behind on what’s happening in thread. I feel that if they had a scum chat, they’d probably be a bit more up to date with thread events.
In b4 this gets shut down, still might as well put my thoughts out there.

You mean it doesn’t make sense for Italy to back up your claim if he’s Mafia, to play devil’s advocate.
If you were Mafia, and Italy Town, and both roles were real, it would make sense.

However, your role doesn’t make a load of sense for Mafia, and Bean wasn’t voting IDHM for the claim, specifically, so your point still stands. BBL.

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they hard townsided yesterday if it’s him tbh

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what do you think this means for May’s alignment?

context: Zorvo ended up on that wagon day 1

Interesting how they ended up really early on Neon day 2 when they weren’t there day 1

Idk I was throwing out worlds and seeing who came out of the woodworks to call me wrong and seeing what happened

wasn’t this 2 nights ago

Magnus said they jailkept May night 1 then jailkept zorvo last night

I deflected my visitors to May.

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Magnus Roleblocks doesn’t he?
So my deflect didn’t go through.

Idk which has priority tbh.

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I think I have priority but it might be him

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these were wagons before EOD of day 1

tmw i am obviously not fresh on this game after dipping for 6 hours

May/Zorvo being wolves voting on Eliza would be wild, though probably not likely tbh.

Let’s also remember Neon was strongly trying to push for a Me/May W/W World.

May was also pushing for me Me/Silviu W/W World.

Again I still think it’s May and Silviu.


I feel like if I ended up getting May over and flipping Neon was gonna push for my execution and say I’m May’s partner.

Like this feels like a direct setup

I have you know that if I could get your partner executed I can also get you executed.
So don’t try me, I’ll win.

a lot of signs point to

VOTE: beancat

but this feels too easy :confused: