Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

i dont even remember that game all that well, but i do remember you doing this

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1 maf max between jarek and magnus if im anywhere near correct on my tinfoil godread

ok but what is the read

“I remember on Valorant, eevee bamboozled me!!!”

So Jaiden are we suresuresuresure it’s amagus?

I bet the read is “you trusted magnus” which is awesome

Okay, so let’s say Magnus is wolf, Jarek is, sigh, town even-night CPR doctor who attacked Eliza. How was the mafia’s kill last night stopped?

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I don’t get why would mafia go for eliza either

It’s optional and I was spamming about how I was gonna shoot someone is it really hard to believe they just decided to let me shoot someone

that being said if they did do that they’d have to be convinced I would miss so /shrug

I’m not as unwilling to go with “they held their kill” as I was previously, it’s just that if they held their kill, that’s telling as to the state they thought they were in, you know?

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So I want to consider any other options before I conclude it.

Also I can’t believe you guys would potentially have cool whip roles meanwhile I HAVE THAT USELESS ABILITY OH MY GOD

Ugh, fine, I should probably VOTE: Magnus. I don’t want to believe Jarek’s claim one bit, but… loyal modifier, no other town killing claims…


so the theory was that magnus was actually attacking may and cape saved them
thats what i tinfoiled immediately after the eod where he claimed jailkeep
but cape is a bg so that raises alot more questions
hit a brick wall here

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i know what to do.


Jaiden town for trying to make breakthrough discoveries

Wish I could relate, I’m couch FM potatoíng