Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

is magnus just a plain jailkeeper

Does the victim know that they’re jailkept?

Mechanics… it’s all mechanics. Messes up my reads.

Zorvo - Self-Redirection JOAT, claims to have redirected all actions on himself to May last night
May - 2-shot Pollster
Magnus - Jailkeeper, claims to have jailkept Zorvo last night
Jarek - Even-Night CPR Doctor, claims to have killed Eliza last night
Marluna - Hollow Man
Cape - Loyal Bodyguard, claims to have protected May last night
Silviu - 1-shot Journalist
Jaiden - ???
Italy - 1-shot Rolecop, investigated CRichard and confirmed role
beancat - No claim
CRichard - Odd-Night Slank Doctor

Three of these people (probably) are wolves.

i have a way to fully clear or condemn magnus if thats what hes claiming

He is just claiming plain Jailkeeper

i have a way to tell if magnus is a pure jk

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whens eod
this is all very important

25 hours.

okay great
we have time

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Please surprise me with your miraculous spike of deduction

i think this is the best ive ever played

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Imagine I’m the viewer and you’re the telenovella protagonist and you have something magical to you that makes you stand out. Now go

if magnus jailkeeps someone who receives feedback they wont receive the feedback correct

Jailkeeping is a roleblock & a protect

so im gonna go receive some feedback for him to block


what, N3?

this solves magnus

It just solves the jailkeeper thing I don’t get how this solves anything more than that

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are you saying he could be fakeclaiming and town here

no shot
especially after i called him on his fakeclaim and he double downed