Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

No it was May that tied me with Silviu not Neon.

Oh right.


Look after May flips Wolf you better vote Silviu.
If you don’t then you deserve to be voted after Silviu flips Wolf cause tbh if there is another wolf after that I concluded that it’s probably you or Jaiden.

I think your more town then not, but my read is slowly dropping on you.

Again, I’m just saying you better vote Silviu after May cause the way you have been treating Silviu is weird man.

Are you trying to threaten me by saying you won’t town read me any more because I’m not being a sheep and following everything you say.


There’s a part of my mind that just straight up does not believe Jarek’s even-night CPR doctor claim on complete policy - that it’s an uncreative fakeclaim, complete refuge in audacity, that it’s extremely unlikely that two hosts would both include the same damn extremely specific role in a game, and that the fact that there was only one kill last night only reinforces it.

I cannot quiet that part of my mind, no matter what Jarek does or says in thread. Every time I try to make a Jarek V case, that necessitates believing the CPR Doctor claim, and I just cannot make that step.

Of course, I think predicating a read entirely on someone’s claim isn’t, like, super productive, but I also think that believing someone’s absurd claim just because you think they’re somewhat townie in thread, especially someone who clearly has no trouble mimicking towngame as wolf like Jarek, isn’t productive either.

However. I am quite unfamiliar with normal FM mechanics, let alone FoL ones. The place where I’ve played most of my games has bizarre mechanics usually invented by GMs who don’t play FM elsewhere. That means I have no idea how common certain roles are - like, I’d never heard of CPR doctor before this game.

So I ask of everyone else: is this claim believable? I’m outsourcing it. Should this be something that completely vetoes my other thoughts on Jarek’s slot?

Hey Zorvo sorry for antagonizing you the entire game what if you stopped wolfreading me because I’m not a wolf

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I’ve seen CPR doctor before in a few games. One of them was off site.

Zorvo don’t tell me you’re a wolf and you’re scared you’re losing your grip on me my god no that’d be too funny

Right, I understand now that it’s not an unheard-of role, but do you believe Jarek’s claim? That they’re an even-night CPR doctor for the second game in a row? That’s the question I’m asking.

No it’s not lmao

I don’t think a wolf sheep votes with another wolf it’s that simple, I don’t think they’re alligned and I think you’re trying to sell a world they are too much because either you want to be right or you want me to believe it

I don’t believe it, I have my own thoughts and opinions too you know

One step at a time yeah

I’m inclined to believe Jarek’s CPR doc claim, because it makes sense for night KP to exist along with day KP in this setup. It also explains Eliza’s death, if we’re in a world where mafia missed their kill last night.

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Okay, thank you. That’s what I wanted to hear.

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I would call CPR Doctor an uncommon role.

Do you believe Jarek’s claim, then?

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Zorvo, we work in parallel. I suspected you in conjunction with Marluna, then I saw you and Marluna blatantly vote together in a way that would get you both killed upon my flip, and now you’ve got to understand that Silviu and I aren’t aligned because we blatantly voted together in a way that would get us both killed upon your flip. You have to understand the poetry. This is a thoroughly unconvincing post, I know, but you have to understand it.


I’ll believe it when I see it.
And I won’t see it cause your gonna flip wolf.

Hey are you aligned with Jarek

Is that why getting more than a few votes on either one of you two is like walking through mud. Are you aligned with Jarek

Hey Zorvo is your role notably different in format from the other town roles because all the mafia roles are these more complicated elaborate powerful ones. You’re claiming your actual role, Jarek is fakeclaiming, who’s your last buddy, Marluna, Italy?