Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

I’m not sure we must, but I think it would be really funny and absolutely destroy the gamestate, and if you wouldn’t do a little gamethrowing for the sake of what’s really funny, are you playing mafia correctly?

Every night I wake up in a cold sweat thinking about my greatest fear - the specter that haunts me throughout every hour of my life, from birth to death and birth again - that which I must one day confront, but which I spend all my time running from, my ancient enemy, my only companion in my darkest hours, and yet the cause of all of them - One Vote.

Zorvo… four games isn’t quite enough to get a read on what manner exactly the latter is true in, but surely you’ve noticed by now.

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Bro no, what the heck.

How can you just town read May like that?
They went from you, realized it wasn’t working and dropped it, then went to I believe Lemon (don’t remember) then dropped it and then noticed their voter and started to tunnel them (their voter being me)

For the sake of concourse, if Zorvo/May were V/V, where would you both look next? I ask because you’re both obvtowning to me atm.

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I would say something about how you’re suspecting me for tossing my vote around lightly, but given you haven’t even noticed that I’m fucking nuts yet, your meta on me is clearly abysmal.

“Acting like they normally do”
Bro do I have to explain how things work and “expectations”.

A persons play and persona doesn’t change, just their perspective changes.

Therefore May will still try and act like their town games as wolf.

Remember when you were a wolf in my game? Remember how your imitated your town meta?

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Yet your choosing to do it!!??

:ghost: Fear Me!

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Teehee. I’ve mentioned that if Zorvo flipped wolf, I’d look into Eliza, if only not to lose another game ignoring his legacy, Silviu, who I wolfread both in combination with Zorvo and independently, uhhh, I think I wanted to look into lol a little more closely, not sure of anything else. I’m not currently looking at this game with Zorvo’s alignment as the tipping point, honestly - I’ve placed that role more on IDFM at the moment, given he’s the top wagon, and, you know, IDFM.

It’s so funny. It’s so funny.

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I mean in your first game you got the wolf team after the Doctor flip.
In your second game you voted out the wrong players and yeah I suppose there was a more noticeable tunnel like the one on KingTroll but I wouldn’t directly call you nuts.

Heck during my first couple years of playing FM I tunnelled in almost every game, even ask @lol and @Marluna

What would be nuts is a Townie who just out of nowhere targets and tunnels someone with almost no signs of it previously.

(Wait a second…. That’s what I did during my early FM days on the TOS Homesite.)

Welp guess I’m Nuts.

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I was going to say my skill (or lack thereof) at forum mafia is entirely unrelated to the fact that I’m nuts, but that’s not true. It’s enhanced by it. Also those were my third and fourth games respectively and I’ve played like a dozen games off of this site


I should also add who does it knowing it’s bad for game state.

Which TBF, when I tunnelled I never considered it bad for the Gamestate even though sometimes it might have been.

You are still hard tunneling most of the case…

Hmm :thinking:

So if your read on Marluna is the same shown in your readslist why are you not concerned about their vote that was on @I_Dislike_FM

“Townie Enough” - in regards to Eliza read

True, but until someone dies I won’t have anything on anyone. Though I suppose you could say Magnus really wanting to kill what I believe is a townie is fairly suspicious.

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Your fatal flaw’s showing. First of all, I’m nothing if not out-of-nowhere, second of all, it’s fucking D1, nothing’s going to have established, long-held precedent, third of all, I have already stated I didn’t even want you dead (as was clear from the fact that I’ve respected Magnus’s claim), fourth of all, extensive focus on how a case was “sudden” or “out-of-nowhere” is a wolftell, as it betrays a disproportionate importance placed on whether or not people were townreading you and how that fact changes (though it’s not as valid now, because there haven’t been nightkills for wolves to think about), fifth of all, tunneling is SO epic and based and fun I love it so much and I would never abandon it for anything.

When the hell did I mention Marluna

“Townie Enough” isn’t that townie, also flips recontextualize things and I was given the fact that you were town as a condition by Magnus

Shot in the dark and actually gonna point to Eliza
Reading her back I am seeing usual scumpings
Look at #75 for instance. Looks like something I would see from mafia discrediting something.
Or the jumping of the ship in #108.
And the laziness displayed on #834. Especially some stuff on #1129.

I will be fair and say that Eliza kinda just swapped vote off I_Dislike_FM onto Jarek without any real reason to need to (unless hammer day 1?).
Some I guess thought processes that looked off the top of her head.
But meh, does look scummy looking back so

VOTE: ElizaThePsycho

So even though a town role benefits from keeping me alive today and even though I’m one of the best solvers here, you want my ML to “get something off of it”?

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