Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

if you’re going to argue then can it at least be in a coherent manner so i can fucking understand it




Yeah I’m calling it a town role I don’t think Magnus claims that as wolf

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Toxic in chat!!!



There was no case or at least not that I seen, here let me show you your progression on if

Because townies staying stuck on one vote is a really bad thing I would consider being willing to vote anyone and everyone early on largely NAI since both town and wolves would be doing it for their own reasons. I suppose you could look into their reasoning a little more but without more information it’s hard to say.

No I just have a hunch that you trying to get me to vote Eliza was a little suspicious and I’m voting you for it. It’s a better lead than someone I haven’t looked at at all yet. Even if it’s a pretty bad lead. I will admit.

This case is non descript, gross

I’ll forgive you. It’s almost the 19th in my time, I can’t hold hate in my heart when such a holiday is so close.

i don’t want that much for christmas


this is very typical in a 16er. I don’t think I have been in a 16er with 3 or 5 evils

Hey, out of curiosity, what’s the schedule on this argument? Are we planning to make this an all-game thing, or like, are we gonna drop it after a day, or is it to the death? Just want to know ahead of time so I can clear out my calendar. Thanks in advance!

So how many town games do you lose?

say, has anyone seen w!Zorvo make this kind of post before?

I answered your question accordingly, as far as I’m aware of you didn’t say you found anything wolfy from this answer.

Here they seem to question my choice of words and twist it to their favour, then talks about my wolf meta (not that I actually care though.)
then follow it all off with a paranoia take.

Then talks about how I give them pings and “I’m trying to make them look W/W with them”
I think the idea actually originally was mentioned by someone else and now May is using that same thing and claiming how I’m wolf trying to make it look that way.
(Good thing I’m town but if May is a wolf so gawd I’ll fight anyone who try’s to say we are W/W, we are obviously not partners.)

May again still caught up on the paranoia and W/W Bullshit.

Then makes a joke

Then drops off of Lemon and attempts to Tunnel yours truly.

i have never seen seth talk like that in my entire life

I’m assuming you’re referring to IDFM, whom I’m not even voting for.
Either that, or you mean Lemon… in which case don’t worry, I’m planning to vote IDFM.

It’s less that I benefit and more that I’m penalised, but tomato tomato.
I would agree that you’re one of the more vocal solvers in the thread, and we need as many of those players as we can get.

Watch someone call this a slip and hasty cover-up.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m expecting four evils. I was mainly pretending to be useful by pointing that out.

You’re just feeding me arguments at this point.

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You talked about lol.
You talked about Eliza.
But never talked about Marluna here.

You asked me the question in regards to @I_Dislike_FM voters and you leave out Marluna.
Can your answer your own question?
What’s your thoughts on the voters including Marluna?