Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

Does that make Zorvo the third player this game to TMI me Town? :thinking:
May as well locktown me at this point.

I see, I don’t know, I like the confidence

I am, you don’t have to be voting for them to be advocating for it in a pretty clear way :stuck_out_tongue:

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Explain to me where the Townie thing here is and how it applies to only may.


Something tells me Zorvo is just town, just looking at the 1000s area of postings

Bro I was also trying to get May to vote Eliza.
You aren’t special.

I’m still going to vote you

something about this post and how Zorvo was treating the May slot to me seemed towny

If I see more reasons to believe your wolf I’ll probably never stop voting for you unless it’s for a potential partner.
If I see reasons to think you to be town then I might 180 on your slot

However, the issue is I think regardless of alignment you probably won’t stop tunnelling me until I’m ML’ed so I’m hoping to self resolve tonight so I don’t have to deal with it. (By self resolve I mean getting myself night kill) that’s all I’ll say.

Weren’t you there at '80 wild overhaul?
My playstyle was way different from my usual one…

Town tbh

Italy, Marluna, and lol are all, frankly, enigmas to me. I don’t know how to read their slots right now. The way everyone’s collectively treated the IHFM slot, I feel like he’s >rand town, but I worry about the fact that I’m looking at people as a collective rather than picking out specific ones to be wolves… but there’s 16 people alive, I don’t have the mental energy for that. I need at least a little narrowing down before I can work properly.

Don’t tell him, but I also think Zorvo’s > rand town at this point.

Damn. Guess we’re going to have to fight to the death, then.

no i cc that claim!

It wasn’t really that different, at least from my POV. Activity doesn’t really matter, it’s what you spend your time doing.

have u not heard the saying dude?

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No. What’s it to you being hostile lol?

I have been the only voter on May after you left it, May voted me while I was already a competing wagon thanks to @Silviu200530

If you think them mentioning how I chose not to move from them Townie (if they said that I don’t remember.) then I can say that’s NAI cause like I was still conflicted on May at the time and still wanted that slot pressured more. (Now I want that slot executed.)

VOTE: ElizaThePsycho

Putting my vote on her since I’ve never liked how opportunistically she’s placed her vote on my train.

i think enough is said, i agree with cape90’s reads.