Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

Don’t know if that’s towntell or scumtell

Opportunistic as hell…

I’ve been trying to fucking bait people into saying we’re aligned all day to see if anyone takes it and it’s not working and it’s so annoying


So either Marluna is her wolf teammate, or she just wants to die on this hill.

Thanks for:


I am a fickle being

My Jarek Town Lean is Dropping a bit but I’m still going to keep it for today.

Either way I like how May voted me and quickly switched off, much like how Eliza voted on my train opportunisitcally and switched to Jarek

I’m surprised nobody’s considering the possibility of Zorvo and I being W/W, and me using this claim to pull him from the fire. Zorvo was already voted by Silviu, so it’s not impossible that he could’ve been voted further, which is what actually happened.

Can a third party analyse this possibility, just so I can gauge your deductive ability?

IDFM stated something that should have been common sense as “content”, but the phrasing of “to make their case” just seems off to me than the whole thing about otherwise lurking. You don’t start assuming people are automatically guilty

No, I always do assume everyone is guilty. That’s how I play.

Clearly you have not played the superior mafia game, sc2 mafia 2.0 before. (Developed by Frinckles)

It’s a possibility that I have considered but it’s one of those mega-paranoid world that only makes sense if you distrust everybody and then you lose because you went insane mode

If you do sus stuff later I’m sure this will become more promiment.

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the way you phrased that post just irks me the wrong way

Adding on to this, in my ISO I did mention how I was worried about Magnus deepwolfing everyobe

oh boohoo

I mean I also have a Marluna/May W/W theory.

Also it’s funny that Marluna was opportunistic on you but when May voted you without being called opportunistic by Marluna but when May voted Eliza their opinion changed.

So Marluna/Eliza, May/Eliza, May/Marluna

I think one of these are right.

Gorta have you like even attempted a solve or read on anyone else so far? Your iso is looking mighty empty.

Anyway, I think IDFM is town because I can’t fucking get anyone to follow up on their damn read. D1 bussing wolves would be setting up for a misexecution after him to get, like, literally anything out of doing that, and there’s no way in hell wolves wouldn’t bus this slot at least a little.

Now, this isn’t a super strong read, because there haven’t really been a ton of opportunities to follow up on an IDFM execution, which is why I’ve been trying to push people into it… but nobody is taking! The bait! Nobody will do it! I shouldn’t be breaking this early, I should keep creating opportunities and pushing people to do it, but I’m so bored, guys. I’m so bored.

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then you haven’t read my ISO