Stellaris: Apocalypse Mash - Day 4 (12/30)

I just got here, sorry for having a life

isn’t this a clear contradiction?

VOTE: RoseRedWitch

Oh, I’m clowning. For some reason, I thought Apprentice was a role.


tutuu: confirmed modposter + claimed ITA protector
zug: was seen visiting arctic
baker: needs targets that doesn’t take action at night
leafia: claiming high chance of dying + was seen visiting arctic
kii: claims locked 5% chance to kill or die in ITA
frost: claims watching arctic
clara: claims self-resolving d2
neil: claims to copy roles - claimed to copy tutuu
stick: claims to have some kind of alignment check via ITAs + claims to have boosted ITA chance

let me know if i missed a claim

unless frost clarifies their entire thought progression here in a convincing manner it’s very hard to continue ignoring them lol

I claimed one-shot vig who shot benguined last night.

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Baker sama

I kicked sabi out and now we got killiza

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is there a reason you uh shot

what did benguined flip?

ah nvm i see now

god this is frustrating as hell.

idk i think it’s weird to shoot someone for the hell of it. do the mafia or whatever have extra shots generally in fol games?

He seemed suspicious and also was angry at me, and I kinda assumed he was angry because I was suspicious of him.
So I shot him.

if anybody has reason to townread Baker LMK

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neil got that role copy off wining D1’s event IIRC

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so you used your only shot …the first night you could?


Empowerer, with a 2x ability to empowerer all actions upon his target.


Yes. It’s my policy as vig to shoot N1.