Stellaris: Apocalypse Mash - Day 4 (12/30)

What??? Why would he. Know the alignment of visitors. What is he lcaiming

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oh i forgot to mention
imo this interpretation makes more sense because it’s in line with what a watcher actually is lol

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you are now watching: the entire game gets confused over mech for hundreds of posts

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Okay yeah that makes mre sne

this is everything relevant to “why do you have confirmation that none/any of these visitors are mafia” that i could find. god my head hurts trying to figure this out i might just genuinely start believing it was poison so i dont have to sort all this out

Okay yeah I think that last one pretty clearly says it wasn’t hte unassigned mafia factional, not that nobody did the kill

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oh wait ita2 is about to start

  1. why am i awake
  2. uh are we actually doing things

i took my shot already so i don’t think much is gonna happen this ita2 unless more people wake up

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When do itas open

15 min

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That’s what I thought ty

I’m shooting Killiza for defacing my bestie in their pfp

follow tutuu’s orders if you’re gonna shoot btw
idk if they’re here rn but you’d probably want to coordinate

It’s mahjong night in the VC I’m not gonna be much help

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People, it would NOT be nice to see a homosexual couple!

according to clara, killiza is literally eliza lol

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Well that’s not

Then I’m definitely shooting her girl why are you in your own game :sob::sob:

Shoving you out the way my cast shoved you out right before jury