Stellaris: Apocalypse Mash - Day 4 (12/30)


what orders :sob:

@KILLIZA who are you going to target in this itas? :3

She was in my big brother game and she got voted out

wait dont shoot killiza

can we shoot leafia first? if shes mafia killiza might be good @guavagudetama

are your red-colored scumreads list and instructions to coordinate and big post about generals and power not orders

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and we need to shoot leafia anyway to help resolve frostwolf and zug


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There’s something to resolve? Frost is like outted scum no?

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he might not be if leafia is mafia vigilante

forgot tutuu is too cute and pat pat to give orders nya

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… it’s not optimal but I still really wanna shoot Killiza :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones:

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if it were up to me id just shoot leafia in ita2 and nothing else


delayed flips hurt

I will shoot killiza

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Are there other people who wanna shoot Leafia so I don’t have to shoot there because I also want Leafia to die to resolve that :innocent::dizzy:

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how to ita in this site?

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yeah this seems best
decent chance leafia is scum + watcher >> bg

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/declare war on [TARGET]

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/nya nya nya on nya