Stellaris: Apocalypse Mash - Day 4 (12/30)

though i think the more challenging part would be having good OOP design and not having your code become spaghetti

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tutuu you’re a programmer
i saw you use != and call it a programmer slip
go do that nya

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really though on this I think there’s better
Like, usually when I (manually) look at timestamps it’s based on how long it took to a reply to a specific post
so. this doesn’t really capture that

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shut the fuck up hyperactive anime nerd girl

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:angry: tutuu you’re getting nightkilled for this

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Rose and Brad
Mostly based off voting honestly.

Rose started the shot on Neil D1. And Otter joined it in a weird way restrospectively which could be explained by Otter trying to ensure a teammate survives and also increasing the chance a towny dies

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but unfortunately. the raw text page doesn’t actually show replies (i could look for quotes but a lot of quick responses aren’t gonna quote). so i think i’d have to learn to use the discourse api (pain) to do that

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also did i mention that with the exact right characters you can break my program nya
do NOT do that nya nya nya

1-4 pass
5 = L Bozo :3


ok back to actually playing the game :joy_cat:

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Alright so I will claim, I am Galactic Community Jealous Doctor.

I target a player to protect someone and if other protective roles target the person I was going to heal, my action fails.

N1 tutuu
N2 Zugzwang
N3 an_gorta_slanktai


If other protectives target, do their actions fail as well?

only Ash getting killed was fortunate, so I may have gotten a save :smiley:

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are people informed if they’re attacked and protected


this changes stuff

an_gorta town if cape town

also mafia might have attempted to kill both me and/or zug

which gives the potential for them having more kp

which would give more credit to brad being town. among other stuff. i think

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the same person i target

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no, it doesn’t specify that so probably no


idk what you mean

so uh
Lets say leafia targetted tutuu n1, instead of arctic
would leafia’s protection still have worked on tutuu

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Y’all i missed WAR1