Stratagem-10 FM - MAFIA VICTORY


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Something like this sounds like something someone would only say as town. People won’t trust you ever again if you say something like this as a wolf it’s never worth it

I only disagree with Zorvo here and that’s because I don’t see the TMI. If you can point it out that’d be swell. Everything else makes sense.

Magnus did feel a bit odd and I haven’t played with magnus as a wolf that often but I don’t think people magically turn into different players because they rolled evil. Might be evil anyway because they might have tried to act like a townie and got off on the wrong foot I dunno.

It’s more because you’re making actual sense.


Or we could have all just not claimed and it would have had the same effect

LMAO :sob::sob:

Hypocritical for me to say but you’re narrowing it down to one person you’re okay with dying right off the bat?

Saying this defeats the purpose but
Is it not obvious that Silviu is fake claiming for the sake of protecting who the actual motion detector is

WHAT :sob::sob: ARE YOU OKAY?

I don’t
Like at all
You walked into the room and yelled “ACHRO SUS!” And then got confused when they said you accused Achro of being sus

Because from Silviu’s perspective Jarek isn’t clear
This doesn’t seem like a weird thing to say
Like Jarek has said some strange shit today but that is not one of them lol

Can we get an explanation?

No yeah I keep seeing my name but there’s not much of it worth responding to LMAO everyone’s like “it could be him ig” and I’m like “yeah I guess I am a player in the game”

But also like what do you want me to say lol

I can go ISO Jarek after this backread and explain why I think he’s wolfy
There wasn’t… much to read before I went to bed?


Can I get an example of this or…?
I think I know what you mean and if it’s what I think it is that’s a little funny

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Fuck I have like 7 minutes

Go to first period or ISO Jarek… decisions decisions…

please reread what ive said
ive not accused him of anything

You accused him of sussy bakaness

i generally dont like your tone here and arent looking for a fight 12 hours in so id appreciate if you slowed down for a minute

silviu why do you say things like this

You didn’t directly say “I think Achro is a wolf” but are you voting him without thinking he’s a wolf because that doesn’t feel like a good look for you?? Am I the crazy one??

Sorry, I think it’s funny when you react to me being silly :joy_cat:.

If it bothers you I’ll stop

I’m just confused I’m not trying to fight you mb

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if you havent read me yet id appreciate if you did
i have to get a vibe of everyone this game

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I did this too I really need to read my posts before I send them

This is my vibe

oh i dont mind dw

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its a metaplay really
ill explain more mid-d1 prolly

You went from wanting to vote magnus to wanting to vote memes to wanting to vote me in the span of about an hour and it was pretty wild and maybe it means nothing but I have decided it means something


Since I didn’t read their posts /s I’m going to ISO Jaiden instead

I still don’t understand this
Sees zero poster
“It’s this or noexe”
But you’re not accusing them of being wolf…?
What is this

This sign can’t stop me because I can’t read

And I’m taking it as suspicious that you said you were going to do something you would do as town side but didn’t do it :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

At least I’m not the only one confused by Magnus’ opener

I continue to not get it
Is almost feels like you’re softing a night zero alignment check which is not even a feature in the game :sob::sob:

Is this not an accusation btw?
I must be going insane


I read the posts :+1:t2: Again :+1:t2: I still don’t get it lol

Magnus was just me saying
“Hey this was kinda weird for you”
And then them going
“Why lol”
And then me going
“idk it just is”

My vote on Memes I literally said I was looking for someone else to vote but I was putting my vote there for the time being

And then I stumbled onto you