Stratagem-10 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

I feel like the answer to this question is evident given how i have spoken about zorvo.

very willing to kill jarek

Feeling is mutual apparaently.

it is not

i think hes very willing to kill, say, all but 3 people including himself

If you step off this wagon anywhere other than Magnus you’re basically killing yourself :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones:

wdym by one and off?

You know to be honest I think a wolf has more of a chance of making sense than a town does in a weird kind of way. A wolf inherently knows more about the game than a townie does. So they’re going to technically have more insight and more informed reads to use against people.

Jaiden’s been a little fishy and other people picked up on it too I had a town-read at first but they make too much sense so much sense in fact that it’s too much and it goes back to being evil

(I have expressed suspicion of zorvo pretty consistently jaiden lol. Its not an open and shut case because zorvo’s play is erratic enough but not been feeling great about zorvo and me saying someone is being performative is a condemnation.)

What’s your solve on my teammates that I have

It’s not “her logic tracks” it’s “I don’t even know what he was trying to say”

ok I gtg to class but rn I am sticking to jaiden

On and off ie when pressured zorvo fires up but when left alone they dont. Like maybe its just old zorvo only comes out when pressured and it is nai but it certainly LOOKS like someone faking fire.

Like I want to keep people in the game who consistently post thing where I read it and I understand what they said

It is that their logic tracks for me. Too much making sense on D1. It’s D1, how do you know so much already.

when did you start feeling this tho

Why do people treat mafia like an epic mystery. Making sense even day 1 is fine lol

A couple hours ago while musing about it, didn’t feel like saying anything about it because I’d be jumping on a bandwagon of other people saying the same and I don’t really like doing that, but whatever

I dont know if jarek is howling or twtbw but man what a wild statement.