Stratagem-10 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

You’re acting like I don’t feel guilty every time I think about that game for messing up a 50/50.

How does that make it harder? It clears you. Someone who is capable of working with a teammate who could be deep like an Achro for instance and you and Achro probably just win because of it.

Nah. I feel like shit for most of the end game. You shouldn’t feel bad but I just worked so hard to win and so did you and everyone else and we still lost and it sucks.

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And I’m gonna be alive in exelo and don’t want to die again lol

Why hasn’t anyone answered this question yet?

I’m asking because I know Achro bussed in Umineko, but in Morbtainado he actively shielded his teammates, and I don’t have any other wolfgames from him.

A teammate is dead on D1 and FMPOV I look scummy as fuck, I mean there’s a million different questions you could ask me and I wouldn’t have a good answer for them

How did I know Zorvo would be evil?

Why did I decide to do the vote at all?

And then of course the obvious callout of “oh that must be a bus” especially when I don’t die later on despite being universally townread for it and killing a wolf.

Sure if your a wolf we find you later because you should be dead but the thing is we find you later. Many days later. When the game is like 5 v 2 or something and you’re teammate is set up. Especially in a set up so wolf sided. Zorvo had a lot of pressure that probably wasn’t going away and couldn’t work with you. Killing him was the safest way for wolves to win in this world.

Because in this world you AND Zorvo are both getting hard pressured and is not going away. But if you bus the person you can’t work with at the very least YOU are clear.

Essentially I take the risk of snap voting my own teammate who is otherwise safe for the chance not even the guarantee just the chance to be town-read by town. And if I coast by on that chance I’m also potentially clearing another villager with me if you assume Achro is a town or we’re both wolves and whatever

it’s like why

It’s what I’d do. And what I’d advise you to do in this scenario if we were teamed

Some people really don’t like being bussed is my problem, and I am “some people”

Zorvo (4): Silviu200530, Jaiden, guavagudetama, Memes
Jaiden (3): Lissi, Zorvo, Jarek
Magnus (2): Achromatic, Neon
Sleep (1): Magnus
Jarek (1): Cream

Not Voting (1): Prisma101

You think Cream calls Zorvo suspicious and pivots to a townread on him without really explaining why, questioning Jaiden on her scumread on Zorvo in the process, all to start a wagon on Jarek with less than an hour to EOD?

Multitasking rn but I’ll answer this one right now.

D1 at some point, I went back to re-read my last game on him. I scumread him last game for being passive and lacking crazy theories, which I associated with a discrepancy from his town game. He was town, and I was wrong in my meta read. After re-checking last game, felt like I was making the same mistake this game if I was gonna just scumread for the same faulty reason as last game. I agreed with Meme that his exchange with Achro felt townie.

EOD is work hours for me, and I just didn’t feel like it was Jaiden. The Zorvo wagon just straight up looked bad. I still stand by this. When a wagon forms for very weak reasons, it’s often prob a town flip from experience. I think recency bias also from Jarek on D1 factored into my vote. It felt like he just got his townread, dusted hands, and did nothing.

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It’s a part of the game shrugs

I’m okay with it if I agree with it but if it’s a “suprise” I’m going to be very :expressionless: at my teammate

If they won at least they won but if they lost and did that


Hmmmmm two votes on me

Funny how every game people say im acting extra wolfy and either get executed or revealed at end game to be town

^ neon… maybe

Night night fams

I unfortunately only read backwards from Umineko and didn’t get to D1.

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I’m not sure if that would change much. Why do you think it would make sense for that to happen here?

I uber power wolf’d umineko.

Day 1 the decision was made to bus because the scum who died was ill and couldnt defend themselves. I made the decision to pocket katze by defending them instead of going for a risky play of saving a buddy.

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