Stratagem-10 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

This didn’t happen in BOTF XVI.

One or the sneaky hallmarks of my scum game, for whatever it is worth, is i try to be kind to my buddies. If you read the quotes nominating umineko it was about effort and positivity. I doubt i have it in me to bully zorvo like i did at points yesterday as scum tbh. If you look at our interactions i like to think it is pretty clear i was scrutinizing him in a way that went beyond surface level.

Would you have still bussed if they could continue playing the game and defend themselves?

I think the game goes a lot smoother if they could talk a bit. It wasnt a done deal until they afk’d a long time do to not feeling well.

You dont remove pieces from the board for no reason.

Wheres YOUR head at? Who you want to stab atm?

Right now I don’t super scum read anyone. I’m going by PoE tbh and those are.


Which are the voters off wagon. I can compromise with any of those three.

and Cream

Out of the four, Cream is the one I like the most so, I’d have to be convinced, like really convinced to go there.

@Silviu200530 it’d be great if you contributed more, what’s going on with you this game?

Way too many people havent contributed thoughts that are in any way analytical tbh. Prisma feels like way too much of a shrug lynch due to this and thats not great.

Is it legal for me to send a screenshot of my computers clock to show what time it is right now

Right now it’s 4:56 AM, I do not sleep and wake at times most would consider normal.

bro why did my iso take me back 2 days

In most places it is illegal, I would ask

Silviu and prisma are in the same boat of “haven’t said enough to get a solid read” and the issue with that is 1 of them has to be town, I dont’ see a world where both wolves are slanking the entire time that’s…silly. And extremely boring.

Occams razor for me is that both are town and simply slanking and if that’s not the case it will become apparent later when everyone else acts like a townie.

Fair enough, I’m not going to.

not going to screenshot my clock that is

I’d like to think that scum are seeing how great we are doing at finding each other and they just feel boxed in to the point of just letting the thread die to see if apathy will save them.

It just sucks that we have to deal with slanks in every game because thanks to them I find myself losing town games more than not.

Well I think Achro and Cream are my top town reads, Cream has that kind of solvy energy townies have that a wolf struggles to replicate for any decent amount of time because of the fear of tripping up with TMI or townreading too many people and accidentally boxing in their own teammate. I’ve not seen Cream as a wolf at all maybe they just love being analytical but it comes across as genuine and I like the feel

Achro has the same drive to solve the game that I don’t think the wolves have been replicating thus far. Dialogue has been led by these two and I’d trust em’. Achro could have bussed Zorvo and that’s a bridge I’ll cross later after I’ve killed the other wolf if this is truly the case. It’s one of those paranoia fuelled worlds the wolves want you to believe exists but doesn’t.

Kind of funny given we are two of the lower posters. Says a lot about what the higher posters have been doing with their posts.

(Not a lot it feels like)

This post kind of feels like a pocket attempt but also i feel like jarek is talking good sense about maybe slanks being town so maybe i am just being a bit too paranoid here.

As the top poster this hurts :sob: