Stratagem-10 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

I don’t think I know you

I just copied that phrase from someone else, not original

I go by Guillo in all other sites. No?


“Be patient, therefore, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient about it, until it receives the early and the late rains. You also, be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.”

– James 5:7-8

Ok then

I demoted Magnus from my town list because i intentionally three a townread with no justification at him and he never questioned me, he just took it.

it won’t let me upload him but let the record show this was the resolution
I’m being silenced tbh


“Why are you quoting the bible?”

– Me, 8:24 PM

you didnt even read it did you

It’s about patience
I’m slow though and a lot of things that should probably connect in my brain do not

Maybe. What i meant in the bold is describing my perspective as the townie i am to the group.

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Why don’t we kill a slanker that’s a good idea make them panic

Killing a zero poster is the equivalent of no exe

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if we actually hit cool but if we’re wrong that does nothing for us
I’d rather flip someone who’s actually had interactions with other people
aka I don’t wanna vote Lissi or Prisma rn

yeah you can definitely make slankers stop slanking totally

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you are right but slankers…

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not really?

a town zero poster dying fucks us more than a no exe
and obviously a wolf zero poster dying helps us more than a no exe

I said it in the context of no info of course

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