Stratagem-10 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

neon ive played scum with you what the actual fuck do you mean you dont bus
that is literally just a lie
also im referring to multiple people here despite it being originally directed at you
after the first paragraph its directed towards a couple people. sorry for the confusion

because that way scum get a free kill :D

We do not need to give doc an extra shot. They will not win this game. They very likely will do nothing with every shot they are given the doc in this set up is bad as are every other town PR.

Honestly this game should be treated like mountainous because our PRs likely do nothing.

I would love to be wrong though but I’m not staking all we’ve done and our thread control on the wish and a prayer that doc somehow manages to save the right person in a set up so unbelievably wolf sided already.

We can win and we don’t need to noexe to do it today.

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Jaiden. I didn’t bus until Zorvo had pushed me so far I had to do something and at that point letting him or I go deep was the only way out.

Most of that game you all were pushing me and I was doing nothing.

Now go read any other wolf game I’ve played.

I do bus but only when my team specifically wants me to. I have a hell busser meta because I’m forced to bus and frankly I hate it because it’s so ignorant of the actual facts.

Thread. Control. Holy fuck. I’ve said this 500 times.

I would agree with you in any other game, but we have twelve players here.

Fite Fite Fite

I do not want wolves to write the narrative. I do not want our only info going into D2 to be under wolf control.

We will lose if we give them that power. I’m sorry. There’s a reason FM starts with D1 and not a night.

That changes not a damn fucking thing and to say it does is silly.

We could have 10 players or 8 the same theory would apply.

VOTE: Jarek

@Jarek come back and play

Town kills POE, Mafia kills towncore, Town kills POE, Mafia kills towncore, Town no-exes, Mafia kills towncore, Town kills POE.

You move around an execution, townreads will still die at night either way.

I will be legitimately pissed if I put this much effort into a meaningless day

Is MELO meaningless?

i love how you clearly only listened to magnus’ argument that i was never a part of

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meaningless? do you think we all just get reset and reranded going into d2?

If you think mafia is so simple that the only reason to NK someone is because they are town cored I have a bridge to sell you in Africa

I’ve been nominated for mafia best game on MU on the back of kills that made “no sense”

I’ve kept “town core ICs” alive for entire games and won.

There’s a million reasons to kill someone and exert your narrative and it’s not just killing town cored players.

Yeah. In most games I’m in we hammer no exe in like an hour and discuss it the next day.

Why waste time. And why give wolfs more info.

False I’ve listened to every thing.

I also am sick of this discussion and think it’s only helping wolves.

Which is annoying because I still think you are town

We should be SOLVING because nobody here is changing their mind on mafia theory and this clogs the thread and stifles actual content which can break the game open
