Stratagem-13 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

Did you read Caitlin’s full response?
I want to know if they town told


Town Core

They didn’t

Well not in what i read

Gotta go bye

Luka keeps repeating “low motivation”
While also saying they enjoy playing as wolf
My vote’s staying for now
They also seem jittery and indecisive

I’ll be back in an hour or so
See you guys later
Have a brew-tiful afternoon (or whatever it is for you)

Sorry I went to bed after posting that
Caitlin I literally don’t tr
Abbi is mainly a viberead but she had one post where I was like “okay Abbi’s town” lemme find it

Oh I understand your question now LOL
I forgot that this post involved Caitlin until I went to quote it
I just don’t think w!Abbi says this because it limits her kill options tonight
Like, if Caitlin were to die tonight, I would definitely be focused on Abbi, so like why would a wolf say this even as a joke y’know?
It’s not like she can’t say this as scum but I don’t think it’d be a great idea so it feels townie

Nope <3

Ladies ladies there’s enough of me to go around

I can’t think of a game where this hasn’t happened so def site culture LOL



VOTE: ElizaThePsycho

Why not this, then?

Legacy Forum of Lies 2 - The Psychopathic King, Possessor, and Alchemist win - #4128 by CRichardFortressLies (Olivia)
Stratagem-15 FM - MAFIA VICTORY - #4214 by Vulgard

What? Does your homesite not catch wolves d1?

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I’m obviously biased on my own push because I know I’m town but I also didn’t like Luka → Agent push
Like I’ve been saying the whole Luka/Caitlin/Agent interactions felt really off to me

Isn’t it good for town for mafia to kill inactives at night though?

Why do you say this?

There’s only 2 wolves. Not 3.

This response I feel makes an Agent/Joycat scumteam a bit less likely I feel.

Why do you find it wolfy?

Nothing LAMIST about that post.

I’ll try finding it then.

Here is the post I found very villagery and the one I was talking about.


Have you considered making a google doc? I always forget who I’m reading what and why so I started making google docs so I wouldn’t forget
Or I just post it in a discord channel that only I can see

Because it doesn’t unpair them? So of course I’m not?

This is a bad reason for me, you cant really tell if im motivated or not. For the other two I don’t know.

What- I’m not being agressive- I’m just stating that isn’t a great reason to town read somebody. This is being agressive for 0 reason though.

I. Just did.

Did you ignore the thread too? I was talking with Agent at the time

They voted me, they just didnt understand how the command works.

You not unvoting a PR last second maybe

Fuuuuuuuuck is Luka town
This feels townie

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