Stratagem-15 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

Feel better soon

your reason for stopped the garfooled fos:

garfooled’s reaction to your push:

which does not feel like what you described at all

And then you asked them a question, to which they gave what you told me was the wrong answer:

You even admit that their reaction was not the towny outcome in the last post. so I really do just think you are bullshitting here

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Im going to ISO garfooled. I dont think me responding to Arctics / Mays argument is very productive; I stand by that thats TvT ftr.

did you save this in the #mayposting channel in wolfchat in case you wanted to use it later

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More just plain wrong than bullshitting, actually: I think I was conflating Garfooled and Zug. They used to have similar avatar colour schemes. I didn’t re-read Gar when I took my vote off them, because I remembered going “they’re not wolfy anymore”, and I might’ve been thinking about Gar. Let me go back through that, I might actually still wolfread it.

I also think this is probably TvT.

Whenever I delete a substantial post, I put it on my clipboard in case I immediately change my mind and want it back. That way, it’s saved until I see something else more important to copy.

I don’t

Garfooled’s only towny posts were at the start, ironically, when you suspected him, and after that he did nothing towny and you just stopped wolfreading him which is why I’m suspicious of this. I don’t know what he could have posted that made you stop wolfreading him. It feels like you just forgot about pushing him because you didn’t actually care about pushing him. I can’t really see this any other way when you admitted that his reaction to you was bad at the time and yet here you say his reaction to you was good. Unless you are claiming the post you made about his reaction being good now was about Zug and you got confused. but I just have to take your word for that and… I don’t really want to

unironically wolfreading the fact you responded seriously to this

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Nya nya nya nya nya nya

i would townread if this if i didnt just say i wolfread you for responding seriously


My patience runs thin

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well lucky for you, I am a generous god and will allow you to vote your wolf partner guavagudetama instead of killing you today

I have a bunch of townleans/upper nulls, a few not-touching-on-D1s, some people I have no clue how to read, and zilch wolfreads. Also it’s past my bedtime and my brain is goo.

this battleship goes crazy my opponent cannot handle it !!!
(im currently losing)

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@guavagudetama can you answer this (using posts that lol made before this point, obviously)

This might be repeating prior arguments but
imo Garfooled is townie but not radiating town if that makes sense. They have alot of townie posts and are tonely townie, but so is everybody here. Im going to treat them as the best player ive ever seen IE: Be wary and take the benefit of the doubt towards being scummy. The majority of there early posts were filler / spam, the first relevant post being at #110. That post only refuted an argument against cait without giving there own thoughts. Continuing on, for the most part there progression was townie.

There next relevant post being at post 12 I believe for them, #111. Town reading me for this instance feels fairly pre-mature, especially for something so nai from my pov.


#120 further on attempts to use self meta to accuse someone else, with that being there only scum pov at this point. #121 further focuses on self meta without natural progression. #177 doing the same without any original reads since #111. #213 is there first statement that generally feels townie; mostly focusing on the future. Im going to hedge a bit(I think that right) tho and say that at the same time the post can be treated as scummy; kind of giving an excuse if / once they flip town.


#229 is once again focusing on me, while at the same time town leaning / reading me for something minor. Regardless i think confirmation bias was utilized here. #265 contains unclarified reads when he mentioned nothing aobut the majority players there. I also think that guava / may / abbi all being suddenly low are weird, but I’ll see the reasonings later. #271 feels a generally townie post; but regardless I dont think that overweights the other posts.


#273 is accusing one another / not calling it accurate, meanwhile at the same time kind of sheeping may without original thought. #287 is a townie post, saying that they had an idea but scrapped it since it didnt convey there views properly.


#290 is townie; I dont think scum would readily admit to it. #730 is a fairly wolfy post; kind of from my pov conveying that they’re fine with other votes. I dont think that if paired any of there bottom 4 are wolf with them.


The entire wall posts feels fairly null; its almost like hesitance to give reads? As if to avoid aggroing a player. This could jst be playstlye but its noteworthy imo.

Conclusion: My town on Garfooled was misplaced, id put them at a townie null. Which leads to the problem that that’s still not a town lean / read when I either dont want the rest of the game flipped, or they’re town reads lmao. From my pov rn this or lol is our best bet, and lol is kinda a lhf so I dont want to go for them by virtue of that.


you should read my iso i think im underrated tbh

Once I get back to pc

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Ultimately, earlygame there’s a million ways you can construe every single thing and bouncing around between wolfreads while not really believing any is how I play the game. Like. I think there are worlds where I am wolf trying to imitate my own spontaneous playstyle here as town. I don’t think there are worlds where this is the naive situation where I am doing this in an attempt to push pure agenda.

Swapping your opinions a lot is not conducive to getting people to actually believe you and push over the executions you want. Why would I swap off Zug or Gar or Wind when, like, I’m pretty sure several had substantial wagons at the point? The easiest misexecution is one you look like you sincerely believe, one you stay on and stick to, not whatever I’m doing here.

You feel like… you expect me to be much simpler than I am. You expect me to have a list of reads in my head, ordered from town to wolf, and for every action someone takes to move them up or down on the list. And so you say things like “you were scumreading Luka” because I said I thought about casing him, or “you stopped suspecting Gar” because I moved off voting them. This is simply not how I think! Not this early on! And you’re going “I can’t flatten your reads into this list, therefore you are wolfy”, but… When I am a wolf, I am much more likely to have a simple readlist in my mind, or often literally down on paper, that I follow, because that makes people think you are towny. Because they understand you and what you are thinking and doing.

Remember, one of my biggest tells in all of my wolfgames was being too consistent, not changing my reads on a whim, that kind of thing. Obviously, I could be intentionally shaking that meta, but nobody ever actually attempts to read me using this tell, for whatever reason, despite the fact that I have been publicly stating it is a tell from the start. I don’t need to mimic this feature of my towngame as a wolf if it invariably gets people like you on my case, which it does.

This is a bunch of paragraphs of mostly pointless self-defence. I don’t even want you to stop wolfreading me, it’s informative. I just don’t like being misunderstood. And expecting me to have a flat readlist on D1 is misunderstanding my thought process fundamentally.

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TL;DR your scumread on me feels like it’s fundamentally based on a feeling that I’m not capable of pretending to have a consistent readlist as wolf, and that vaguely tilted me. This is nonsense babbling I’m doing at you because I am vaguely tilted

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I’ll read this once I get to pc x2

Dont. Its not useful analysis its literally just about my self

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