Stratagem-15 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

Once I get back to pc

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Ultimately, earlygame there’s a million ways you can construe every single thing and bouncing around between wolfreads while not really believing any is how I play the game. Like. I think there are worlds where I am wolf trying to imitate my own spontaneous playstyle here as town. I don’t think there are worlds where this is the naive situation where I am doing this in an attempt to push pure agenda.

Swapping your opinions a lot is not conducive to getting people to actually believe you and push over the executions you want. Why would I swap off Zug or Gar or Wind when, like, I’m pretty sure several had substantial wagons at the point? The easiest misexecution is one you look like you sincerely believe, one you stay on and stick to, not whatever I’m doing here.

You feel like… you expect me to be much simpler than I am. You expect me to have a list of reads in my head, ordered from town to wolf, and for every action someone takes to move them up or down on the list. And so you say things like “you were scumreading Luka” because I said I thought about casing him, or “you stopped suspecting Gar” because I moved off voting them. This is simply not how I think! Not this early on! And you’re going “I can’t flatten your reads into this list, therefore you are wolfy”, but… When I am a wolf, I am much more likely to have a simple readlist in my mind, or often literally down on paper, that I follow, because that makes people think you are towny. Because they understand you and what you are thinking and doing.

Remember, one of my biggest tells in all of my wolfgames was being too consistent, not changing my reads on a whim, that kind of thing. Obviously, I could be intentionally shaking that meta, but nobody ever actually attempts to read me using this tell, for whatever reason, despite the fact that I have been publicly stating it is a tell from the start. I don’t need to mimic this feature of my towngame as a wolf if it invariably gets people like you on my case, which it does.

This is a bunch of paragraphs of mostly pointless self-defence. I don’t even want you to stop wolfreading me, it’s informative. I just don’t like being misunderstood. And expecting me to have a flat readlist on D1 is misunderstanding my thought process fundamentally.

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TL;DR your scumread on me feels like it’s fundamentally based on a feeling that I’m not capable of pretending to have a consistent readlist as wolf, and that vaguely tilted me. This is nonsense babbling I’m doing at you because I am vaguely tilted

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I’ll read this once I get to pc x2

Dont. Its not useful analysis its literally just about my self

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too much text womp womp opinion rejected


Townlean: Cait
Upper null (one step away from townlean but I need to ISO them): Abbi, Arctic, Luka
Upper null (stagnant read from previous readlist; haven’t paid much attention to them): Garfooled
Null (not touching on D1): May, Wind
Null (ok with voting): Zugz, Guava, lol

That can be useful. How you think your game is going so far is super useful imo, or how you perceive yourself

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Read my walls tho I put 10 minutes of thought into them alot of effort

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As much as I wanna attend EoD I sadly can not

This will be my last post today f

Dont have time to post this either but I didn’t want to completely disappear

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Fair enough. I just don’t want you to read it expecting it to be an essay. To communicate anything useful. When people see a wall-post, they expect it to be thought out. It’s not an essay, it’s a rant. I’m just wordy enough that my rants and my essays are visually indistinguishable if you blur your eyes

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that’s one less vote on me

lol gets away with it once again


VOTE: Zugzwang

I’ve seen you wolf twice, I think? And Ive seen your towngame a lot more than that. You do have towntells, and even in your wolfgame if you sort of break meta, there are some things that still aren’t present imo.

Looking through Gar, Arctic is right, they are not actually out of scumrange. My push on them did not make me scumread them more, their reaction was neutral, which is why I moved off of it - usually I’ll prefer to go check out someone else unless a push feels like it’s yielding scumead material - but it’s wrong of me to say I think they’re town now, I don’t.

I think there are two types of gamestates here: the ones where there is a wolf between Garfooled/guava, and the ones where there is not. I think executing one of them by EoD would help move forward my reads, but I also think that executing anywhere else would do the exact same thing (except maybe lol? I’d prefer not lol. And Windward isn’t the most informative in the world), because this entire game is nice and talkative and informative and such

(My thoughts on guava are that she isn’t out of her townrange - having thoughts that feel slightly off or surface-level to me is something I see a lot from t!guava. Nothing from them makes me want to particularly scumread them… but they’re also just, like, not a polarised player, so I don’t think they’re much greater than rand town, and townreading the entire rest of the game makes me want to circle back to rain.)

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you may ask me why i refuse to vote guava and the simple answer is: they already have two votes and i like keeping my options open

Arctic’s methods here make me have Arctic Thoughts but it feels so wrong to act on Arctic Thoughts on D1… so non-traditional. However the arc of “earlygame talking that makes my brain just instinctively assume he’s town even if I can’t explain why → pushes that have something that feels just a little off in a way I can’t put my finger on” feels exactly like the pattern I felt from him in Bland & Flavourless. But it’s too early to have Arctic Thoughts I think

Yeah that’s usually how I play too lol
I just don’t have the energy this time so you get low-energy Wind instead (not much windpower, hehehehe)

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Hey, @WindwardAway, did you ever explain why you’re intentionally Doing Towntells?

i wanna say gar fell off i really do but guy dissapeared for real life reasons and still popped off with some kinda wall in the middle of his hiatus

if he was mafia i expect more whining and less content
he is town to me