Stratagem-15 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

The post above kind afeels like desperation to stay alive in a negative way. Town can stay alive but normally they try ot refute arguments, you’ve just given up. Also Im weak to ate, so I normally try to push it early, and it is aty in a sense.

Hi Gar you’re getting voted by me now. For saying that

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Lies lies lies

and what if it’s you just sucking?

I’m not really a fan of this angle because it just feels like an excuse to push me later in the game after zero wolves have died which is how I got ML’ed last game on the same day I was actually pushing the mafia

I can assure you that my vote is now on you. You can check the votecount and everything.

Did I mention that I don’t pushback much?
Also yes I’ll flip town
I hope you get information from it

And look at that you got mad at me cause I explained it

I’m not mad at you I just think it’s wolfy

I hate it when people say this. It depends what you flip obviously; if you flip wolf we get alot of info, if you flip town we get a little info. Id be willing to argue if you flip wolf it makes, at the very leat, me / may good. Im sure we can also find other things by backreading meanwhile. A town flip at this current point in the game never gives is any information imo, or at least the information it gives is limited.

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Fair enough. However I am town

The reasoning is a lie

The reasoning is just you said that so I voted for you. There’s nothing to be calling a lie

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You can call it baseless but it’s not lying

Then you’re an ultra fast typer and reader
It felt instant to me

after garfooled’s recent posts I would have dropped them to low null / high scum lean, and given how townie this game is relatively thats 100% voting territory.

Are you mocking me
Stop it
I’m not going to uwu owo

I am an ultra fast typer and reader, yes

I type at 140 words per minute and read pretty much daily please praise me <3

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Goddamn you type as fast as me

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