Stratagem-15 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

I love you for reminding me of that!!!

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Aaa I needed a confidence boost

Youre 10x better than me
Youre one of the players I think of when I think of “really good players”(this is serious)

There have been 3 games where I didn’t end a day voting a wolf all game. In them, I got N1ed, N1ed, and then N2ed. I say this mostly to show off that I have all that data

I know…

Game is ez

Don’t play it

Vote wolf

Tilt them

Out them

Kill them


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I’ve read maybe like 200 posts over my last 4 games on that server and have nailed a wolf in every single one lol

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Youre so good

Your amazing Luka

Your a fantastic player I promise you I’m not that good lol

I’m in the standard stage of a May Game where it’s D2 and I mope over not having a confident solve yet when I actually don’t have the information needed for one yet

you probably do just reread the game 5 times


Im only fine at town telling as town, as shown in this game. Youre better than me in every other scenario.

Oddly… the less I play the better I play

I win FXs by just reading nothing and trusting blindly in my snap thoughts and snap voting lol

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I need to climb to masters in yugioh btw, im only diamond 4 rn and season is ending in 6 hours
ill lyk when im done

I don’t have brain working today I’m toooo dizzy and not out of bed yet


Yeah but thing is

Town telling is important and I fucking suck at it in most cases

I find you as town like 99% of the time, so youre clearly great at it
Granted, I do tend to read good players as town most of the time lol

i wish i could be towny im the either the 2nd or 3rd most likely guy to be shrugyeeted in all turbo players which is a list of like 30 people

(fighting for the 2nd place with arctic)
(what a nerd lol)

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Nyaaaaaaaa nyanyanyanyanya

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I get pushed and miskilled in games > 50% of the time

When I think of great town tellers it’s like Cait or you

Not me I die way too much

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