Stratagem-15 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

Agree on this matter

Non-chalance on what’s hpapening is townie, not caring about how you’re read.

Add may please thank you <3

Just for you bb.

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2 more and games auto

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I’m going to bed

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Night night beautifuls.

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I want to see [Blank]'s thoughts on this
Is usually something town says
Do you guys agree?

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Gouda night :cheese:

May I couldn’t help myself, I hope you don’t shred me to pieces over this. I feta get out of here if I know what’s gouda for me. I cheddar go now!


I would normally hate this take, but setup says we only have two scum in the game so it’s actually OK this time lol

I need to up my cheese game, that wasn’t my best attempt.

I dig the cheese puns :cheese:

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It just like doesn’t make sense to me

Wait why though

I’m confused on how Gar moved up so quickly
Nothing they’ve said has been particularly townie to me

Or they don’t care because it’s only a few hours into day one and they had literally a vote on them

I don’t really like this interaction even though I find May townie

Abigail feels too eager to TR people atm if that makes sense
If she were scum, she could just put her scumbuddy in this towncore and then use the towncore as an excuse to execute a bunch of townies because they aren’t in the towncore

Rehearsal is over :+1:t2:

I’m keeping Abbi’s read on Caitlin in mind, it’s at least worth considering even if I disagree with it

Also i feel like there must’ve been a chunk of posts I didn’t read earlier, because I saw stuff that was quoted that I have no recollection of reading before, lol. But im going to sleep so I’ll figure out what I missed later.


It ended like 30 minutes early so I might actually catch the 5:44 bus instead of having to wait almost an hour to catch the 6:44 bus :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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I had to edit it because I used “better get out of here” 2x to also use cheddar in the pun

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Efforts still appreciated tbh

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I am the towniest town idk what you mean :point_right: :point_right: