Stratagem-15 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

  • make reads
  • show townie initiative

Just look at Zugz.



squints I don’t see it. Explain the town mindset?

VOTE: WindwardAway

If I’m somehow wrong in Arctic + Windward, I think Windy is the likelier wolf just because she’s shown less initiative than Arc (who went in that long back-and-forth with May near EOD1).

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And at least Arctic read my past games and made a metacase on me, whereas Windy just straight up posts #2640. Like, come on.

psyx you seem to have a very binary view of how town and wolves play the game to the extent that you believe people who do stuff or show initiative are town and people who do nothing are wolves, but the reality is that it’s almost never as black or white as this and the perspective comes across as someone who isn’t really thinking about the game beyond a surface level, which is more likely to come from a wolf

and i struggle to see somebody who doesn’t have an agenda to push presenting the confidence of “if i’m somehow wrong about these 2 people being the exact scumteam” like you just did given that you’ve been moving your vote around between 3 people today already

what i believe is the correct read in this gamestate is that the people who are demotivated and not showing initiative are more likely villagers than not because it’s extremely hard to find a good direction given that almost everyone is townread, and wolves would have a lot more wim because things are going well for them by virtue of the fact everyone is townread and there’s no consensus at all. i don’t understand how you don’t recognize this and it almost feels intentional

Might wanna ISO me first. I’ve only voted you and Windward today.

oh, i had thought you were voting garfooled earlier, but i guess it was just a suspicion instead

i’m in the middle of iso’ing wind but you’re next

i see your point…
and the timestamps on 999-1001 from wind do kinda prove wind didn’t pause much before writing the 2nd point on gar…

It’s not binary thinking, I just want town to do better instead of letting them compete with wolves in a race to the bottom.

I’m honestly speechless


no, i townread everyone! :slight_smile:


If Arctic is town, after catching both scum one game, the idea he’s caught scum again here is very tempting and comes naturally.

If Arctic is scum, whether he’s doing well is centered around his own position rather than Cait’s. Also, his push on Cait being somewhat successful, while good, isn’t really that amazing. Early D1 wagons on a town are not something scum celebrates heavily.


if everyone is villagery wouldn’t it make wolves job harder to push people as well? even if a wolf is in the townreads, they might feel awkward to push because their options are limited, lets say for example i am a wolf and zug is my partner, i will be forced to bus or try push someone else who i havent been as vocal on scumreading. i dont think there’s that much of a difference between villagers and wolves here

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also doesnt even match up with your reads lol zug’s someone you stated you don’t want to vote and he’s arguably pogging the hardest as we speak

this is a bad argument from me since thats not exactly what you’re saying but you’ve complained someone has a binary view yet you’ve given a binary view as well just one thats flipped lmao

Binary view… … im non binary. Therefore I am the townie no?


This is a bad post

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(refering to wind)

(here stating lowposters are likely wolves)

(gar was townread earlier but pushed into null)
and a lot of hatred towards zug & me

for psyx to be a lowposter and be this heavy townread means this is an important read. as far as i remember wind was pretty contested d1 so this could also be an important read. garfooled/luka/zug at the bottom so they all get more suspicious from this

dunno about PR softs since im bad at that if there was any id like to see em