Stratagem-15 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

1/3 is also good so i’m perfectly content

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Also Idk I have actually seen Luka wallpost more as mafia than as town lol

the reads themselves are bad but the thought is what counts

And why is May town?

similar to luka suffers from insane person syndrome dont even understand half their posts but it sounds towny to me AND they are posting a lot and not robotic which is great to me

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Why does part of me think mafia!Lol would come with better reasons when on the edge of being voted out

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ive never shined when it comes to explaining my reads all you need to know is im super confident so im chilling

I noticed the confidence

Meh maybe I should vote here

Chances are I move back to you tho because I don’t like the Abbi/Windy wagons

VOTE: Zugzwang

i dont like the abbi wagon either i will vote lol as well

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Okay so like honest time

Zenon’s Law is all I have in mafia. I suck at this game I know I do. But my law was so popular it was used in multiple champs games. Its the only thing I’ve ever done right.

But people have been like “oh its not actually good it’s just probability”

Than Cait did a case study on 100 games where it was like 40% accurate despite my own numbers being around 80%

So… every single game…I just want this tell to be right… so the one thing I had in this game isn’t gone

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Ok but who would you reconsider first in your townreads, if you’re at 1/3?


psyx, beyond that depends how games going and whos alive/dead

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kind of a pointless question since if im 1/3 its already 5 players left with 1 wolf remaining

I know the feeling, I had a tell I was able to use at a high rate of accuracy but I got too overconfident and managed to mislunch a townie with it on a forum where I didn’t have much of a reputation. Boom, no more tell :(

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Hot. I’m honestly not opposed to dying D1 if people at least entertain my reads after I flip.

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Is higher than 40%!

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