Stratagem-15 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

Someone told me when I played there and I managed to immediately forget, so I never ended up isoing anyone at all in that game :joy_cat:


This is the solution on how to get me not to make tons of solvey posts

what tells are you using to determine whether someone is specifically the encryptor or not

in the context of what you read from zug

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ok this is kind of dumb and probably slightly better to not say it now, but

afaict lol has not made a post suggesting a pfp change? so gar thinking that he did indicates s/s?
have I missed something?

Nah lol suggested two

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No, it’s not the tantrum(?) but the way you got real nervous about Guava flipping wolf when Arctic was pairing you with them. It felt genuine, and some of your posts went past the line of “wolfy flailing/BS” towards “townie (over)thinking”.

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Zug’s really reachy and it’s towny, nyaa~

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Oh that was what I was referring to when I meant the tantrum. I was preflipping Guava and getting upset with myself over my actions in that context

quava post


Quava post. High honour. I do this in your memory, Quava


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In Zug’s case they weren’t my prime candidate, actually
I was looking for someone trying to keep themselves off the table as an execution candidate but Zug actually stuck out a bit too much. My top candidates were guava and Garfooled. But I threw Zug in as well because I had gotten pretty mixed signals from them yesterday, and I thought if someone who naturally can’t really stay UTR (read: talkative players as any alignment, like me), they’d probably say some scummy things and then backtrack and try to cover up with overexplanations and towny sounding things on top. And I think Zug fit that bill. But tbh, that’s not really specifically an encryptor read, it’s just that I think they have scum equity and even if they randed encryptor they wouldn’t be able to stay UTR without it being very noticeable.

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You click the magnifying glass icon, put my name (iampsyx) under “Post by member”, check “Search this thread only”, the click “Search”

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I just went to everyone’s profiles but that only works if it’s the last game they’ve played

i get the vibe like you now tr me
what changed?

That was kinda longwinded and I think you can probably see I ended up being less sure that what I was looking for was actually a tell

But anyway, that logic is also why I voted Garfooled immediately after I entered the thread, without backreading

I don’t TR you
But I concluded that you’re probably the type of player who would play like this regardless of whether you randed a PR or not
I am not entirely sure you’re playing like scum, I just don’t find you overwhelmingly towny
So I’m still trying to sort that out

I think pushing stubbornly on lol after he claimed vanillized cop is actually super wolfy and I’m not sure if it loops around to being TWTBAW or if it’s just permanently wolfy because I’m trying to judge your motive for doing so - whether you’re still attempting to obfuscate with the cop situation or if you genuinely want an excuse to vote lol out.

And the one thing that points to the former is that I think it’s unlikely you’ll convince the majority to vote lol out today, but when I look at your very insistent push on Abbi yesterday, I see the exact same thing: you’re pushing on a player who seems fairly consensus townread and sticking to your guns, and I’m not sure if you just make very rigid reads as town?

Because sticking to pushing Abbi yesterday and lol today, when I get the sense that both situations involve unpopular vote candidates, is wolfy PARTICULARLY because yesterday most of us wanted guava out and guava flipped town (you fit the idea of an off-wagon wolf who doesn’t want to whiteknight the townie) and today lol happens to have very convincingly claimed cop and you’re still on him like you want to dig up reasons to get him out. Plus, lol had you in his PoE of 3 yesterday which also fits in with the notion that maybe he was targeted by the vanillizer because he was right, but still not widely townread, so he wouldn’t have been a kill target but he would’ve been a perfect test target to see if he’s a cop.

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Actually yeah maybe I’ll just VOTE: Zugzwang

Youre welcome