Stratagem-15 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

Gonna sleep now, ping me if you want me to reply to something specific, otherwise I’ll probably get to it anyway when I finish back reading

It wasn’t convincing imo

Also, if you think about it, there’s not town motivation to claim cop here - if he’s actual cop, he’s outting as the IC on day 2 for no reason when wolves wouldn’t have known he was the cop, and if he’s VT then, unless wolves happened to target exactly him with the vanillizer, then wolves will know he isn’tt the cop and so he won’t eat the nightkill or anything, and will just get cc’ed later, as well as causing a bunch of people to spew themselves as VT. So I think the level 1 read is that this is actually wolfy from lol, and I don’t really think it’s wolfy to push him for these reasons

And despite all of this, I do actually agree with you, I don’t think lol does this as a wolf, because it just gives him attention for no reason and he get’s cc’ed today or later on and gets policied or something, I think he’s probably town just fucking around trying to eat the NK or something and doesn’t understand the setup means that he can’t trick the wolves lol. but playing devil’s advocate I can see why zug thinks it’s wolfy

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anyway I’m solidly back to wind being a villager now for her entrance here lol

Why do you think it’s more likely that lol’s playing VT suboptimally than playing cop suboptimally

because he’s a turbro regular and wouldn’t claim cop for no reason as the actual cop but i could see him misunderstanding the setup and trying to eat a nightkill


The convincing part was specifically the vanillized claim imo
The rest of it, couldn’t care less tbh
But yeah as you said and as I also noted, it’s a very dumb fakeclaim since wolves would know for a fact who they vanillized
But yeah I still wouldn’t touch lol for that claim, I’m just not convinced Zug’s reaction was towny

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Oh yeah that’s a good point actually

But yeah I do think he would’ve been a mildly reasonable target for wolves to vanillize as I said before

If only because he would’ve made for one of the worst nightkills ever if town

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The vanillaised claim just does Not read as possible for someone to misunderstand as fakeable to eat a nightkill. Like even if you don’t understand the setup you know wolves know hwo they tried to vanillaise

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For that matter I also don’t think he’d claim cop for no reason but I think just because he also claimed vanillized he might not be faking it, since claiming vanillized cop with no counterclaims would just make him an IC

Of course, yes, he could just be doing a dumb gambit that won’t fool wolves and the real cop would just… not claim, for obvious reasons, and lol would just never eat a nightkill, but it’s not like vanilla cops need to eat nightkills from a wolf perspective anyway…

The only wolf motivation he could possibly have is if he’s baiting out the real cop, but in that case there’s like a 99% chance the real cop would just cop him tonight and say whether or not he’s the encryptor so :person_shrugging: not my problem

? If you’re saying lol has no motivation to do this as cop, VT, or wolf…then what do you think is he, then?

And please give a non-hedge answer for once. Part of the reason I dropped you to null is because after checking out your ISO, I found it funny that you accused May of being so hedge-y with Guava, when every other read of yours was full of hedge.

Votecount as of P#1732

Arctic (1): lol
lol (1): Zugzwang
Zugzwang (1): WindwardAway

Not Voting (6): Arctic, Garfooled, Luka, PrincessAbigail, Psyx, May

Arcyarcyarcy why do your reactions to this make nonsense…

I’m not saying what I think he is other than I think he’s town

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If he’s VT doing a stupid play I’m not going to say “I think he’s PR” am I

OK fine fair I’ll drop it

Ftr i still have Arctic, Psyx and Abbi as town in no particular order
Had Caitlin too but she’s flipped town so at least that’s confirmed
I’m still wary of Garfooled too but as I said I’ll go back and read her posts later

Logic tells me to reevaluate Arctic since a bunch of you have dropped him in your reads but instinct still tells me he’s town, guess we’ll see if I still godread him but I have other priorities to read first.

Lol sorry I left the thread when I said I would, but then had to check my phone for something else and ended up back here again

Replying to roughly where I ended off

This PFP is staying till this game ends cuz I jst thought of another