Stratagem-15 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

on MU I have a turbo alt called “wolfboy” with a wolfboy avatar and I’ve been yeeted day 1 in just under half the games I’ve played on that account (I get shrugyeeted a lot anyway) (I was only a wolf one of those games)

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ok this
i dont think this is true?
because i asked arctic why they also voted caitlin
and they posted an array of reasons
i dont think lamist was part of it

Basically I have a lot of townreads and my job is to poke holes in them and find the weakest one.

VOTE: Psyx

Holy shit I was about to do this

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that’s just not true

I think this might actually be it. Psy sounds insanely towny but it’s pretty surface-level and tonal and could to me come from a skilled wolf? Wanna read her wolfgames

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Keep in mind that this is NOT post-eval, I am still alone here and I would trust much more the one who’ll come back and is capable of having rational thoughts over vague instincts, but pre-eval Psy is where thoughts of mine are drawn

“It” being “my weakest townread”.

What if we masoned for fun. We dont have to townread each other we just have to mason

The timing is slightly unfortunate given that they just started fos’ing me but I’ve been taking a while to look at their games and I found that as wolf they have a lot of TMI’ey/reachy reads and I think their read on guava’s emoji usage kinda fits that bill

I would have probably still voted them even if I didn’t find any clear difference

But I thought at SoD if I’m underestimating anyone it’s them because I was unfamiliar with their meta, and I wanted to see if they were an easy clear/polarized (which they are not)

VOTE: Psyx


i-it’s not because they started suspsecting me i pwomise guise…

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is this rewriting history chat?

didnt they post like 2 times and die

what if we

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Dont think it was really weird, I just read it as Arctic being wary of a good player lol.


WIM is not alignment indicative

If zug is wolf gar is not btw

If you actually read those summarize playstyle for me please. Also townie question to ask

Ill give a wolfcase on somebody of your choosing. I will be using maximum confirmation bias to help me prove my point.

Thrilling watch

Scummy statement sob

Im not good at mafia sobbing, im just good atm aking my allignment obvious

Thats how I played TOS, I just ran through procedures nmw allignment I am and basically bussed everybody.

In my first wolfgame I was teamed with a cheater so I made it to F5, and they immediently hammered an obvious town

Okay suddenly this is townie af

Agreed with this, I certainly dont like it. Granted, they’ve shown a townie mindset today otherwise? Kinda mixed on there slot atm, gth scum tho simply cz everybody else is townie sobbing

am I the only one not seeing this sobbing

Wind is actually probably just town atp
How do you go from scum read to town read in like 3 seconds
Lean town since youre a good player but town

Imo it more felt like wolf trying to justify why they dont flip next.

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are you going to ignore their post after this?

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I didnt vote her for that I voted her for all the reasons I listed just after I voted her


c-c-can i join :pleading_face:

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Ignore who??

Can’t stress enough how much calling me a good wolf like 1 month ago would’ve been ridiculous