Yeah, thought so. And I gave a calm reaction with mainly jokes of me being a wolf. Does that help?

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anyway if you do happen to be power role, without claiming, just act absurdly confident for the rest of the day, while if you are VT, don’t do that

We want the PR’s to be obvious without them getting hit by claim vig. Also don’t react to this post regardless of your role, just alter your behavior l

don’t claim you aren’t a power role either as that can get hit by claim vig
just alter behavior without claiming no matter what

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@Kiiruma state the following
“If I’m hider, I’m hiding behind X”
The drunk will probably party tonight because of reasons I stated previosuly

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I’m assuming that you are still here wiz

Yeah, I’m!

The more I think about it, the more I think that to prevent confusion, every player should clarify two roles that they are not. I was thinking for a while that if the hider survives a night, then the game is pretty much locked, but the more I think about it, the more I realize that the hider power comes from being obvious.

This is because Hider is basically a vigilante and it is going to be really confusing who they actually checked at night if the hider is not obvious, because technically two people the town suspect who are not power roles could die at once, confusing the town. Plus, this way, the drunk doesn’t actually have to party night one, which is good for the drunk! We all love being drunk.

In order to combat that, everyone should claim that they are not the hider if they are not the hider too.

I am not the hider, nor the vigilante. If I am a power role, I am the drunk. Conditionals like that are okay as long as VT is still open I believe, it only matters if people claim all but one role. If you are the hider (and/or) kiiruma, you should ignore this post.


I don’t believe you

As I am ignoring this post

If I am the Hider, I’m hiding behind Zenon if Zenon isn’t executed.
And if Zenon is executed and flips W, then I’m hiding behind Marluna, as I think Marluna has partner equity with Zenon.

If Zenon is executed and flips T then I will hide behind Leafia.


Oh wait, there’s no flips :upside_down_face:

There are alignment flips just not roles

Oh ok then, that’s good enough for me.

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are you sure this works


did you ask the host


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well okay then

I mean
It does seem entirely dumb that this game works this way but I made sure to follow proper procedure