Exactly which you want, right? To know who are the PRs so that everything fits perfectly. In this case too, a wolf too can put themselves in the box just like a wolf can act confidently to be in the box.

If you claim you are a power role, and are a power role, you can get shot. Claim vigilante doesn’t care about what your exact role is, it cares about whether you truthfully claim to be either

  1. Your exact role
  2. Whether or not you are a power role
  3. Whether or not you are a VT

it’s very easy to figure out if a wolf is in the box because then people will realize they have four people in their box

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But I’m claiming to be in the box. Who knows what happens when I’m in the box? It’s not a parameter that hosts set right? It’s we who know what’s in the box.

Well, are you saying there’s too many people in the box from your POV?

No. I’m saying, PRs could just come out and say I’m in the box. Will that change anything?

For example, now kiru, Eliza and you are in the box so it’s obvious for wolves that you three are PRs just like it would be if PRs themselves come forward and say they should be in the box.

Give me ten minutes.

Wiz just provided a scenario where power roles can get shot by mafia if they go through with their idea.

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Vote wiz out

They will get shot either way.

In case anyone doesn’t understand what just happened. Anti claim can kill people who put themselves into the box, as that is akin to hard claiming that you are a power role.

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No they won’t
Because they never put themslebes into the box themselbes. Other people have been doing that, not themselbes.

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My gosh, first tell me, will the host accept the statement “I’m putting myself into the box” as hard claim by that player?

Has the box been created by you or the hosts to put PRs into?

In one situation it’s plausiable deniability whether you are a power role or not, as it can be unclear whether a person is accidently being put into a box. That plausibility goes away if they claim they belong in the box - which is why I have stressed the importance of never putting yourself into a box, regardless of your role.


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How do you know? Has the host confirmed this? If yes, then I take my point back.

I created the box to find power roles, but I did not do it with the express intention of putting myself into the box or not putting myself into the box, as I am not an idiot. I’ve been using the box as a social construct to figure out who actually belongs into the box, and I could definitly be wrong about who belongs into the box.


My point was not that, my point was , will the host accept a statement as “I’m putting myself into the box” as being indicative of claiming a PR and let vig claim shoot the player based on that? Because obviously, the box is created by you not by hosts so we are not exactly claiming pr but just putting ourselves into a box.

all I can tell you is that the box thing you are suggesting will lead to mafia having the proof needed to shoot power roles. the box method is not fail proof because no one can confirm whether they belong in the box, but your suggestion makes it so the box method is useless and is just so aggressively pro mafia


I would agree I don’t see the box method that affective because you created the box to stop open claims . And I’m suggesting an alternative to open claims which has equal chances of being right and wrong so I don’t see how it’s pro mafia.