Tales of the Abyss - Town Victory!

@Prophylaxis explain.

I missed you townleaned IGCD; I’m just not a fan of how he’s stuck on his vanity Magnus wagon.

It’s been far too smooth sailing for wolves by my observation.

What town games are you using to reference here? I would like them named given that multiple people have cited multiple scum games that are a carbon copy of this game for her as scum.

Also when I am town vs wolves I am actually undefeated on FOL.

Then start one. Bad take to not seize the day.

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What would you expect towny IGCD to do here? I think it is +ev for his town game that he decided to poke a power poster. What legitimate harm does it do to town given Leafia is mostly outed scum from your POV. This read doesn’t add up.

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You said this in Need For Speed as well.

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Hello. I understand your vote on Magnus but I think you aren’t parsing his intent very well, as his posts actually have a shit ton of reads to them just said in a casual way. I would ask that you hold his feet to the fire day 2 if you feel it is needed but don’t tunnel, as voting magnus day 2 is imo silly. Let him cook, he has my respect and I think he townsided today. TY

I don’t know what towny IGCD thing he’d do here because I’ve never played with him.

I think Magnus is strong town and would be hesitant to ever get him in range of an execution.

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Also I only am at my computer for like 20 more minutes then I’ve got to hop off, I will be here but not the power of typing on my side.

I mean you know i am down to YOLO at any given state of a game.

Yes, but you think Leafia is all but outed. So what does a vanity wagon hurt?

Why do you have a problem with someone voting someone as a glorified FOS given game state?

Times like these is why I don’t cast my vote wildly.

Look, you don’t have to call me out like that. I literally just activated on D3 that game and went full on “It’s go time” mode.

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But your PoE existed way before my look into Magnus, can you explain how you had the foresight to know I would make this push?

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@Kiiruma Not to be mean but if wolves are having an easy time you are partially to blame by not putting in more effort today. I hope if you are town you can find a little more time to play the game with everyone.

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This list looks so random to me that I cant even figure out which side is supposed to be townreads and which sides scum reads


I don’t think a vanity wagon hurts, but given the fact that IGCD voted Magnus and was actively encouraging other people to vote him made me a little nervous. He did not want it to be a vanity wagon and I don’t want any counterwagons to Leafia to arise.

I’m still willing to trust you wrt IGCD; I missed that you townleaned him and thought you had him lower.

It did not exist way back before your look into Magnus, I wrote my PoE post off the cuff in the world where Leafia flipped w.

Alright, i will let Magnus have a day, Proph on the other hand has really irked me by trying to retroactively explain his read of me.

VOTE: Proph

If SK knows, mafia has a roleblocker, they will hit Leafia in every scenario. (And in my opinion, only then they would do that, since town roleblocker has a higher chance of hitting mafia, than SK.)

So mafia definetly would hit her if mafia doesn’t have a roleblocker and she isn’t mafia.