Tales of the Abyss - Town Victory!

It got late really fast. I’ll just say on Lea that I agree with Achro on what Lea’s scum meta is. She admitted she was in the scum meta. On purpose. I want to know if that was really preplanned or if that’s a cover. Because that is a strong admission.

Just checking so i am on the same page. Chris is achro correct?

Agreed. Only played for 5 games and the 2 games i was in with him he died n2 and n1 respectively. He dies early on and counteracts it by rushing his reads today

Why specifically achro? I know you probably said it in your block message but i dont have the attention span to read the whole thing :sweat_smile:

Sorry i should extend the question Why specifically trap achro

Get pinged fucker! But no yeah i am usually play the role of observer day 1. And theres alot of new people i havent played with so i am just watching their style of play. If you have any questions please ask away!

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I would like to propose an alternative school of thought. Even if Achro is Mafia, he might be genuine in that he’s expecting to be strongman killed by the serial killer anyway. I don’t think that’s the case, seeing as he’s making attempts to push and pressure a range of players, and I can personally support his main push on Leafia, but I don’t think acting like he’s on a clock is necessarily indicative of good, here.

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I mean I get your idea. but then why fake acting on a clock if you are going to die tonight and reveal wolf anyway. wouldn’t it make more sense for achro to instead be pushing one read and hope people bite?

Magnus feels so town right now.

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the way achro is playing making a wide range of pressure as well as making rushed choices and messages i just don’t see scum achro doing that… but now i am questioning myself and going down a spiral

Hazard also town.
I’ve finished my tea.

Can you explain why Kiiruma is town for you and talk about what you mean by “standing next to you”?

How does Zenon play as wolf?

Ik I wasn’t the one asked but can confirm—
Kiiruma gatekeeps gaslights girlbosses Hazard as mafosi

Weren’t you reading me evil in all CoD, Need For Speed and Strategem-27?
What changed?

i know better now, ur playstyle
but maybe ur appealing to my view of ur playstyle, in which, well played

but again, i’ve never played with w!Magnus, so uh… cough

actually i outright state what i expect from t!you
so i should be more cautious
but i dont see why u would appeal to me and me alone

from what i found in this server and the other one i play with when he is evil he either likes to do two things. One play with his food, or Two get real buddy buddy to the people who know him the most and have them defend him for them. (Example: Hells echo) this game i made a couple of small comments early on in the game to see if he was gonna instant town read me for nothing and he didnt instead he has only replied to one message which was me joking about masons. i am not town coring him (cause its day 1 and my reads usually suck) but i am town leaning him at the momet.

And zenon i have no fucking clue again only played here 5 times, once with Zenon where they were town. but they are acting the same as they were in this game as they did in hells echo. throwing out worlds and fishing for reactions. but now you mentioned it i should try to find a scum game of zenon’s and see how they connect

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i am… very easily emotionally manipulated and verbally manipulated by people i deem as friends XD

also also Magnus, ur not taking into account that
the first game i had with u, i was a neutral role
the second game with u, u replaced a slot we SR
the third game, u defended my top SR