Tales of the Abyss - Town Victory!

How dare. I town read you and you don’t even use my post set.

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I picked random strings of 50 posts cause i thought it was funny

I voted you after you asked “why has post count doubled since last time” after 2 hours of thread being open and last time you were im thread it was 1 hour of thread being open so ur lack of thinking deserved a vote

Wanted to get her take on leafia’s early game

How do you know who Mr.L is

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What even is this reasoning

Am i playing with multiple FrostburnPhoenix alts?

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Mine was kind of random but at the same time i wanted it to be a little into when things were getting serious so i tried to pick a section that would accomplish that. I didnt want it to be too deep into the game but at the same time not too early into the game(as i assume they are going to read early game stuff anyway.)

Yo can I get a sip of that tea?

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You edited your post so will now be modkilled, you will be missed :cry:

here’s how this went
class break > first post > log off for an hour cuz of next class > 2nd post > log off for an hour cuz of next class

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It was a minor grammar edit which I’m pretty sure It’s allowed

But marl can kill me if needed

It makes sense

They came in twice and said something nonsense so i voted them to get them to interact.

Im kidding to be clear

if we modkilled for grammar edits I’d be modkilled about 50 times a game due to my adhd/shaky hands lol


It doesn’t make sense It was rvs nonsense from a slot known to vibe and meme and who is notoriously busy irl

Also like…why is commenting on post totals AI in any way lol

Same and if we get modkilled for fake quotes id never survive a game

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I didnt even realize he was responding to me and i was so confused by that comment.

I’m playing with multiple FrostburnPhoenix alts… it’s official

