Tales of the Abyss - Town Victory!

Youre a FrostburnPhoenix alt…

Its not AI which is why i voted them so they might do something AI…

Town Core


No I’m a Neon alt

But really i just murdered her and took her place

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If someones not doing anything alignment indictiative you dont just say “k den see you d5” you try force something indictiave lol

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How do you know Mr.L is Ben?

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I think you overestimate what your vote is going to do lol

Instead a garbage wagon got 4 votes for garbage reasons

VOTE: Zenon

Unless you can provide a good list of reasonings to go with that town core.

Because I’m very good at what i do

As my badge suggests i am a reader so if anyone needs anything readed let me know


Read the tea leaves and tell me who’s scum


Not rlly, i started a wagon which then got 4 votes so i dont think i underestimated at all

Unsure what your point you are trying to make is. Is it mafiay of me to vote that way?

Not what i asked for.

Most likely he’s just a wolf because I doubt he’d believe something like that as a villager.

[quote=“Zenon, post:475, topic:4601”]
That it’s not true

Then what do you believe is the truth?

I like that saying.

I don’t think there is such a numberand it’s only a townlean at the moment based on gut.

No it isn’t and just because something is easy for you to do doesn’t mean it’s easy for everyone to do.

I’d be willing to put more faith in this locktown read of yours if it wasn’t for the fact that you have a history of locktowning scum D1, but I think Eliza’s frustration sounds villagery enough to me.

You’re the entire circus right now. You really are.

You’ve got a super obvious wolf in your towncore there. Achro doesn’t act like this as a villager. If he was a villager, he never would’ve reacted the way he did towards my vote on him.

Maybe not but it’s the answer your getting


I have an even bigger history of getting right but I’ll note this shade

Achro doesn’t act like this as anything

So tell me what’s the wolfy motivation for Achros play Leafia?

Zenon is scumlean ngl

Asking leafia to explain reasoning is a huge red flag