Tales of the Abyss - Town Victory!

I TLed him but I kept getting bad vibes. Unfortunately this does not count at all because I never mentioned it

I actually thought Leafia was mafia 15 seconds before Achro, I just didnt say anything


It’s just Magnus isn’t it?
Hazard would find them a threat and Magnus knows their value so they would vest N1

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Now I think about it, could he telling the truth about the mafia powers?

Aren’t there more setups with town cop + town tracker?

I did say Hazard was null originally to me and then moved him to a scumlean.
I kept saying something was off about him, I was actively going for him except the fact sulit had been caught.

I’m not sure who the last wolf is or the SK but hey, we take those.
Plus we can learn who the wolf potentialities are.
And if we end up flipping both wolves and neither of them is a godfather, then it also clears me in full.

One word in here tells you who the last mafia is. enjoy!!!

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Yes there’s a plus roleblocker
But I believe Hazard

Please do not speculate about any roles that alive players may or may not be. Everyone stop saying you “knew” it was Hazard unless you verbalised a negative read on him.
Anyway, Hazard is lying. I claimed SK day 1. This game is a slaughter.

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This is an awesome post Hazard you’re really good at posting

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No I get to say whatever I want I have a license they gave it to me

Thankyou Thankyou. just for that i’ll say i cop’d May N1

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Except speculation on current TPRs. But I can pretend I knew Hazard was off

btw whoever said “Hazard is funny must be scum” is very spot on with how i act as scum


Day 3 with most of mafia goon gone, SK caught by self proclaimed cop, while tracker died and you still are stingy about claims?

I did verbalise a negative read on him and also voted him :upside_down_face:
But honestly, he played it well, his first groupwolf game on this forum.

we can be SK mason’s how bout that

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My sus on Hazard was invalid anyways
I just found it odd they had a specific list of potential PRs

The issue is… you’re funny in general :stuck_out_tongue:

Kiiruma was the only one i saw verbalise any sus on me day 2

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What happens to our radio show, though?
Anyway, I actually called Hazard being SK, I have the receipt to prove it.