Tales of the Abyss - Town Victory!

I am going to sleep, quickhammer my fate or allow me to testify so I can explain why I am not the right choice, please do so.

List is mid at best, current PoE would have the most likely scum both in SL, meaning I had one scum in each tier, but I also knew that when I made the list, since I thought only one wolf in Lea/Gar/Frost

Last wolf probably is in lea garfooled frost

Whatā€™s your opinion on Lea

I like lea actually

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Correct answer :white_check_mark:

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Iā€™mā€¦ alive.

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Frost FPSing or hwatever

Honestly I guess itā€™s because Iā€™ve not done much and Iā€™ve kinda sat back, let myself be checked and now Iā€™m out here vibing lol

Fuck it lets keep the train rolling

VOTE: wolf

Itā€™s literally just wolf or hippo btw


May does have a town scan from our SK

I wanna check more thoroughly cause Frost isnā€™t lockwolf. Anybody else would be lockwolf but heā€™s just wolfy

Itā€™s Frost or Hippo
Source: trust me

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Referencing my own Post at meā€¦ devilish

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Iā€™m feeling confident B)

VOTE: Frostwolf103


Frostwolf103 (3): Lea, SultanOfSlam, Garfooled

Not Voting (6): Frostwolf103, BlueCrystalTear, Hippopablompoyeetus, Kiiruma, Zenon, May

With 9 players alive, majority is 5. Day 5 ends 2023-04-24T19:00:00Z.

Okay, sorry for my lack of activity today. Saw the hammer and only caught up tonight (didnā€™t see the ā€œnightskipā€ thing - not used to that!)

If anyone wants to pressure me to towncrack, go ahead. You know damn well that Iā€™m gonna do that. Itā€™s not something I am capable of replicating as scum.

Who all is confirmed town here? Kiiruma is the only one I recall seeing in my initial read. Having replaced in means itā€™s a lot to keep tabs on.

Yeah, Iā€™m not seeing any Mason claims. Did I miss something?