Tales of the Abyss - Town Victory!

Hazard claimed a greencheck on me. The SK isn’t the most reliable source in the world, of course, but Hazard was honest about Mr. L being wolf, and I think it’s funny to parade my Serial Killer Issued Clear, so I’m doing that.

Other than that, just Kiiruma. No Mason claims yet.

… does Hippo finding “Luigi” in the word search make him town

Hazard, you are a delightful visionary adding a whole new dimension to “Solving”

Off the top of my head thoughts

Soooo I should read into:

  • Garfooled this game’s attitudes/associative tells with the other three flipped wolves
  • Frostwolf’s past towngames/wolfgames for attitude + associative tells, because I honestly believe he would pretend to know what the hell Magnus was talking about as any alignment, but I wanna spot if he calls out bullshit in other games
  • Eliza/BlueCrystalTear in general cause I believe I soft townread her but there’s a sweep at stake here chat that’s not enough
  • Doublecheck Lea cause she’s towny but like uhhhh you know. Good players. You know how it is with people who are good at mafia
  • Maybe check Zenon but I recall her being the town from the. Mason chat? It doesn’t work as well as the “evil scum from the wolf chat” now does it. This isnt a masons claim

Leafia has four votes and half of em are her scumbuddies (and the other half Achro and Proph). I don’t think this interaction happens if Gar is wolf. She’s being bussed to hell and back, why have the weird defence-y shit? I think the last wolf here’s probably gonna act more null on her, pushing other targets, ignoring her. Depends on how strong a personality they are, though. Like, IDT this scumchat was that coordinated? So I’m gonna have to fall back on a lot of individual personality reads for what kind of decisions this team makes

God it’s just straight up Frost huh

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I want it to be difficult, Gar. My heart longs for a challenge. I want to 1v1 someone

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My tinfoil theory is Hazard green checked you to make up for exposing Mr. L in 4k
Really really doubt it though

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Oh even FMPOV the greencheck is noooooot necessarily real given its context.

But Magnus and Achro would’ve noticed if I were scum. I guarantee it to you. Magnus had me D1 in my first scumgame from spec chat when the majority of town had me as a TR and Achro sniped Olivest out of the sky in Hell Echoes, even if it hardly counts for me.

Greencheck was claimed before anyone solved the word search also and Hazard kept saying like “oh maybe I made it too hard” so IDT it was a response to Luigi being outed. I think he was just doing SK shit

that would just be positively evil of Hazard

I think Hazard just did not expect anyone to solve it.
I prolly wouldn’t have solved it.
My eyes hurt looking at that thing…

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I feel it in my heart. Frost is scum. VOTE: Frostwolf

Hey May, you want to hear a funny joke?

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Wolf > Hippo > BCT > May

Hey would you lookie there

My take that there’s scum on every wagon is right ^^

Town slips aren’t real

This is my favorite word

VOTE: frost

Pretty sure that’s hammer


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