Tales of the Abyss - Town Victory!

Mr. L Is Ben?! That makes so much sense

I’ve never once seen you get it right though.

I’m disappointed that you didn’t answer “Because we’re masons”

Anyway. HELLO EVERYONE. I am the secret 4th gamefaqs recruit that Achro himself didn’t even know was recruited! I snuck in on the refugee boat (and barely made it)

I figured it was more fun to see if which of my friends would figure out who i was and that it would give me another thing to meta. Sadly i don’t really know if it’s more towny or scummy of Lea that she figured me out and outted me

Just for whoever wanted reasons

I say give her 2 scum points and 1.5 town points

Oh if that’s Ben then Ben is lock town forever.

I own Ben’s scum soul, this ain’t it lol

Mr.L lock town.

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Thank you.


Someday you’ll see the light. The light is that you can’t read me.

So tell me, what’s the villagery mitivation? You said it yourself Zenon. He doesn’t play like this as asnything. So what makes you so certain that he’s a villager? I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if he was the serial killer honestly.

This is true

Mmm pretty sure that is factually incorrect lol

Moving the goal posts to avoid answering my question is a pretty awful look ngl Leafia

My waon doesn’t have valid reasons.

I’ve heard that self-metaing your behaviour as being NAI and expecting everyone to leave you alone. If you think your behaviour should be reviewed in a positive light, perish the thought. The default state for a perfectly null player shouldn’t be “ignored”, it’s “questioned”.


I just don’t like your panic over being voted for supposed “NAI” behaviour. How many hours are we into D1 again?

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Leafia youve speedran digging yourself such a massive hole so fast, regardless of your alignment its impressive.

Why are you now accusing achro of being sk that makes it super look like you are group scum

I cant find the exact Poat but Lea knew Mr. L was a Gamefaq player before she guessed it was Ben :face_with_monocle:

Are lea and Ben Buds?!

I figured Ben was a GameFAQer since he signed up with all of you and is a fresh account tbh