The Amazing Digital Circus Vigilante ten-er - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

what do you mean?

this was a useless post
just saying shit
I wasn’t gonna use it for anything
I was just saying my thoughts out loud

no idea



so bystander/magnus not aligned

as mafia

correct me if im wrong because even as I said that i wasn’t feeling that confident in myself :joy:

i thought the whole tidbit about bystander arguing about their own playstyle with magnus felt not w/w


taking a break on post 189

it was subtle shade ftr, the post about zug

bc initially i found those questions to be wolfy bc i felt at first that zug was simply asking questions just to ask them, not for any sort of actual ai answer.

but i liked how zug responded to me, bc i was honestly expecting a more aggro response but instead zug simply responded by explaining themself which like. instantly gives me better vibes

If I knew a reliable way I could be read, I would correct that behavior difference in myself immediately. I have no specific answer to this question that I believe is meaningful. I have played one wolfgame and two towngames on this site. Reread them. Perhaps you will find answers there.


I was aware it was subtle shade, and I was aware you backed down from it. If you had done so more silently, I would have found it towny, but because you did so aloud, it did not strike me as a particularly hidden thought process that I find town indicative. You could have simply been a wolf realizing Zugzwang was not pushable.

That post and the following thought process are realistic enough and show no signs of being illegitimate, but are nonetheless easy to fake. That is why I found no read from them. Your follow-up has not changed that.

I won’t lie. Right now, Tutuu and Rhea are my most confident townreads.

okay leafia is town

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I should place a vote, since I have not done so already.

After further reflection, I actually find the way jail has behaved this game surface-level, in a way that feels like he is showing off that he has thoughts in a way that makes me uncomfortable with his slot, and I have no real reason to townread him. I would like to see where this goes. VOTE: jail.

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that felt like such a real thought post

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my TRs:

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Please explain how me stating my two most confident townreads makes me 100% town.

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no one prompted it
it was a random thought you suddenly had
it felt genuine


Ah. Fair enough I guess.

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Garfooled feels comfortable in thread despite having been suspected in a way that somewhat counteracts my former wolfread there, enough that I would like to vote elsewhere for the time being. I would say my read is more null than a wolflean at this point.

Bystander’s first post on Garfooled was wolfy and felt like it showed a level of agenda, but the rest of her posts are acceptable enough, and I do not think I will find much productive by voting her at the moment. I would still place her in the bottom half of null in my read list.

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