The Amazing Digital Circus Vigilante ten-er - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

its possible that the mafia rand is just the quiet people
and we’re all town
that is possible
or we have a goated team like magnus + zug
and they’re having all this conversation early on to establish themselves

my reputation… who on da streets talking about jail…



Forgive me if I am wrong but I feel compelled to

VOTE: Garfooled

I don’t see the town motivation in ruining the chance for town!you to potentially catch mafia!me

I do see the scum motivation in you doing this so you can go like “Hey! I am keeping track of tells! I am paying attention! I am town!” - sort of thing

hey magnus are those names in your opener random

When/if I plan my opener, my alignment plays a large factor. So yeah I expect them to have a more realistic thought process as town, and for them to have to fake their thoughts here as wolf.

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there was nothing to ruin

I wouldn’t be afraid of risking a Vigilante shot, but I would realistically have so much influence that I’d accidentally get Zug shot and then be eliminated in a XELO situation because the Vigilante and execution would eliminate all the misexes.

In this setup, the Mafia has like two nightkills.

Was this also not serious? I’m losing track of what you’re saying in a serious tone and what you aren’t

i see i see. i dont usually think about when people make their openers or ppl even having openers tbh

theres just too much wifom for me lol

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it’s no longer anything because i told you after your last game
now I’m just messing with you
get it?

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Okay that’s a bit different. I thought that you said that it’s no longer a tell now, right this instant. I didn’t consider the possibility that you meant after you told me.

Sure, okay. I can see a line of thinking yeah. Yeah fine.


To be crystal clear to everyone else: Gar doesn’t need to be towny for this. I’m not townreading her. I’m just resetting it back to the start



zugs response to me was townie :smile_cat:

I have read this! And thanks for not outing your teammate immediately; that would ruin the fun.

But anyway, why would you give meta at the start of the game? Wouldn’t that make people harder to read, if you’re pointing out all the tells they might have, so they can then avoid them?

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Leafia and Tutuu are both relatively polarised players (they can occasionally fool people but they’re generally extremely pure townies); I had you in the book as a prospective competent solver who would likely assert themselves, and Garfooled is someone who has proven themselves as a mastermind evil but has otherwise been fairly easy for me to read.

Pandora is on the quieter side and I don’t know their tells; Someone has demonstrated a disbelief in solving early on which might make them less transparent; and Zug conceals himself with a goofy demeanour as evil which can be hard to peer through.

Bystander is a quiet person, I’ve only seen them proactive in a game once ever; and I don’t know Rhea at all.

So no, not random.


I almost posted something that I shouldn’t have. I’ll let you guys know what it was later


This is a redundant question because I didn’t do so; but having a clear picture of how everyone tends to play and forcing evils to elevate beyond their stature often outweighs the benefit of trying to solve everyone alone, because they’d have to maintain that standard for the rest of the game.

Pushing a scumread early to garner impressions is quite similar.

say it
say it out loud

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I think abovementioned might be a great way to discredit tutuu.

Magnus: you can out yourself as n1 vig by asking tutuu something along the lines of “you’re claiming to have been roleblocked butnkbody visited you this night. Explain”. Coukd be a way to mark you as towny.

Just a suggestion but feels pretty goodif we can turn it into a lynch

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