The Amazing Digital Circus Vigilante ten-er - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

Damn okay. A lot of interactions between Magnus / Zug, comparatively to the rest of the thread. Going to lean not w/w. It’s not unfakeable but it’s a pointer in a direction



so i can town read you 100 percent
it’s only 60 rn

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The 1988 hand-drawn animation does look really appealing, so that’s valid. I don’t think the “new” show is all that new anymore, though.

You can take Rhea and I’ll focus on Someone to the best of my human ability. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Rhea play before.


it’s always gonna be the “new” garifled for me

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am i lock town yet?

mmmmmmmm tempted to take Rhea’s reads list style

As you can see, things haven’t been good for me. I inputted this one already

I am curious though, Gar - why tell me this? You told me that you think this was a tell for me. (Whether or not I post my past games, to the other readers). It’s not because I haven’t always done it as town, I didn’t do this in my last town game a few weeks ago to my memory. But if you thought it was a tell for me - why tell me pre-emptively? Why not wait and see if I do it by myself, and then scumread me if I don’t?

I had another opener prewritten taking inspiration from an old Mafiauniverse thread about Vig10’er Mathematics, and then dismissed posting it because focusing on player grouping felt more immediately effective of a tactic to garner a response from Leafia and other players who came in, so thanks for the opportunity. Initially I thought about writing metareads on everyone I knew in the game, but I decided I couldn’t bother with doing it and I didn’t want to out my Mafia teammate by accident.
That’s a joke, testing to see who actually reads this.


i have read and will probably wake up to 600 bajillion posts but gn am sleeping soon

this is the most ? question to ask about magnus’ opener imo

like, what sort of ai answer would you get from this

Excellent, I was about to suggest the same. Good efficient use of resources.

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it doesn’t matter if you do it or not
I’m just messing with you

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it’s 61 percent now


Just for fun, sure. You can be locktown.

NYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA don’t mark this a loss

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Hm. Why not? I thought that you thought this was a real tell for me. Were you also messing when you said that you think it was a tell?

it was a tell
its no longer a tell
because I told you about it

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if anything I think we’re likely to win
I have you as towny, which is a lot more than I can say by <100 posts normally
and you’ve moved the game along pretty fast

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You’re all good. All I know about you is that you died in Jail, but I’ve heard your reputation so you’ll probably manage just fine.