The Amazing Digital Circus Vigilante ten-er - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

they unvoted
what are you sheeping now?

real or fiction?

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you’re probably reading up Gar but I do very much want an answer here when you get to it

IT’S OUT??!!

just vibes
i was sleepy here
i was asked a question and I gave out how I felt on some ppl while reading

wow that’s interesting
I like pandora for this

are there specific posts that gave you those vibes?
also, for Leafia, are there any games with her where you have expressed similar sentiments (that you don’t like Leafia’s vibes, but you know that isn’t alignment indicative)

i was about as tired as tutuu
I remember quoting some leafia posts, trying to save as draft
it not working
and dropping it

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anyway, i was very much going off of vibes only on you
but people seem to like leafia?
i respect the townplay of the people that TR them
it feels weird SRing them now
but I will find those quotes later
I’m going to catch up on reading first
and I do have some things I gotta do in RL after

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Willing to give Rhea a townread for these thoughts on everyone. They feel really villagery after all.

Nothing. I just have my vote on someone I find wolfy now.

Real. I’m not as easy to read as people seem to think. I think it’s because I rand town so much that they forget what I’m capanle as as a wolf.

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that’s typical tbh

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Tutuu’s posts are never scary :blush:

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what do you mean?

this was a useless post
just saying shit
I wasn’t gonna use it for anything
I was just saying my thoughts out loud

no idea



so bystander/magnus not aligned

as mafia

correct me if im wrong because even as I said that i wasn’t feeling that confident in myself :joy:

i thought the whole tidbit about bystander arguing about their own playstyle with magnus felt not w/w


taking a break on post 189