The Amazing Digital Circus Vigilante ten-er - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

I think that the interaction is very, very slightly town indicative, insofar as it is a natural interaction that increases my perception of both players as comfortable in thread, but nothing beyond that. I cannot comment on the second part.


Wow. Just wow. I can honestly understand Rhea’s suspicions on Jail right now as it really feels like Jail is annoyed that he isn’t being seen as being villagery and it feels inwarrented and not very villagery.

VOTE: Jail

Then why are you so annoyed that it didn’t get you townread?

Fair enough.

Me too.

bruh im not

im deadass not even

literally nothing in what i said was me being annoyed at not being townread

but im lowkey just not even gonna stress

what do you mean by interesting?

not to constantly quote you or whatever

but noone else is playing and i thrive off of like. real time interactions

I think there is value in pursuing a vote on you and seeing how others react to that. Voting you will progress my understanding of the game.

bet bet

I don’t like this post
It feels like you’re treading the waters on whether I’m a pursuable mislynch

I feel better about this post
This feels like a plausible theory

i dont feel much different in terms of opinions wise tbh

so i guess ill have to wait until later when a lil more people are active

Anyway a bit undecided
But slight scumread for that first post

Hello, I’m dropping a bombshell. Zugzwang and Garfooled have an awful lot of partner equity.

Imagine the narrative for this to be true. Garfooled is suspected early on numerous fronts and Zugzwang is fairly scrutinised as well. Under pressure, Garfooled attempts to distance from Zugzwang by posting a vague suspicion on his slot, which is dismissively explained away later (fine in isolation, but sternly contrasts Gar’s progression on Leafia); and associates Zug’s name with mine as a potential strong wolf, despite allegedly lacking a strong impression on him.

Meanwhile, Zugzwang manages to garner some townreads, although he’s still being questioned as one would expect. Rather than trying to directly rescue or sink Garfooled, he has a pleasant conversation with them about other reads; providing an opportunity for Garfooled to elucidate and develop, conjuring doubts, all that. Zugzwang tests these boundaries by asking Rhea for their opinion; and subtly tries to shift their outlook while preparing for the worst.


I’ve read the entire thread and other things caught my eye, but I’ll review with my thoughts after lunchtime. I would like to say that I didn’t townread Zug yesterday either, so I am potentially picking at straws that don’t exist for the sake of confirming a bias.

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they are straws
but look deeper into zug pls and ty

meh, i dont see bad faith in that post

i will say tho that i dont think leafia ignoring (or skimming over points, not sure how exactly it happens but it does happen a lot) is ai at all. she already feels different from the last game she wolfed in tho so i feel like she may just be v

thanks For the wallpost finally some good FOOD

now i read it


No, I’m trying to figure out your alignment. You, if town, are certainly pursuable here from W!Me’s perspective, regardless of Rhea’s opinions (or their alignment). It’s just nice to have another voice to talk to, and figure things out with. Normally I would work more with my townreads but Rhea was the only one in thread at the time.

magnus is on,
have fun

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[quote=“Magnus, post:333, topic:8397”]

pretty sure this was towards me btw


Well, the most obvious error here is that this:

in fact refers to jail, not Garfooled.

I’ll respond to the rest in a moment.

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