The Amazing Digital Circus Vigilante ten-er - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

i am worried im just tweaked out and confused as shit tho so ima dip so i can not have insane tunnel vision or anything

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I have been extremely confused by what you have been saying, frankly.

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yeah me too :smiling_face_with_tear:

so i think i found out what caused things though

so when you posted this were u referring to yourself not finding a read on me or were you confused on what my read in that post was

because i thought you were asking me what my read was

so i was confused on why you were sussing me for simply answering your question

I meant that I could not derive a read on you from those posts. When you responded trying to explain yourself further, I continued to be unable to read you. So I voted you.

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for the record im still like



im just gonna read rhea independently of whatever this interaction is for my own sake


so yeah like

i wasn’t “explaining myself further” or whatever like i deadass thought u were confused on what my reads were

but like

go off

Yes, and I thought you were responding to my nullread on you by explaining your own reads further, like that would change my mind. That is why I was confused by you. You also acted as if I had made some sudden turnaround by voting you, despite the fact that I had previously expressed that I had a null read on you and wanted you to provide alignment-indicative content.

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okay cool that does make sense
yeah no i dont care to be null read or anything

i mean at least i can at least know that you weren’t outright pushing me in bad faith and it was just confusion :smiling_face_with_tear:

in terms of wanting me to post actual content i can only shrug my shoulders tho cuz i procrastinate too much LOL and there hasnt been anyone else besides us for a hot minute

ill try to like actually open up fol on my computer tonite cuz i do have post plans trust im just in the trenches

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I am going to walk through my thought process here.

I expressed a null-to-town read on jail initially. Specifically, he did things that were nominally contributions to the game, but which I did not find particularly towny, which is often a red flag.

When he responded to me here, I did not realise jail thought I had said I did not understand his post. His post was phrased like a correction, so it came across to me as if he was trying to correct the fact that I nullread him off those posts. I was, frankly, somewhat annoyed, because it read to me like he thought I only failed to townread him because I didn’t understand what read he was expressing. This was, as we know now, a simple misunderstanding.

Because I read jail’s response to me as “correcting” my nullread, I thought he was fairly wolfy. It felt like he was acting like he was entitled to being townread because he had thoughts. I found my current wolfreads undesirable to vote for the reasons I stated, so I decided to pursue him as a vote.

Because I had been mostly nullreading jail before, and because I had explained exactly what caused me to change my mind on him, I found it strange that he accused me of having a “change in behavior”. I assume this discrepancy was at least partially due to the fact that he misunderstood one of my comments about being unable to read his posts, and partially because he did not understand my later accusation.

The ensuing disagreement was all just us talking past each other because we did not understand what the other was saying.

I still find jail an interesting vote to pursue, so I will still keep voting him. But that is why we disagreed as we did there.

Rhea what do you think about this (other than that’s it’s very unlikely w/w)? At first it looked like W!Gar TMI-ing Leafia town. I can see Gar’s justification, but upon checking and seeing Leafia hadn’t posted for over 30 minutes, there’s a lot of other angles she ignored, like it feeling somewhat frozen.

Entitlement is normally seen as towny; what here makes this different?

I don’t actually think this interaction is particularly unpairing. It is possible to fake. It is extremely desirable to fake, as it makes your partner seem like blatant town off of something vague, and allows you to prime the way other townies read the posts.

However, that doesn’t mean I think the interaction especially indicates that Leafia and Garfooled are W/W. I think the interaction is fine for both players.

Leafia saw me post and decided she confidently townread me, then mentioned tutuu for good measure. She did not feel particular need to loudly justify or explain herself, she just expressed the read. It indicates comfort and thought, as Garfooled stated.

Garfooled also shows a good real-time interaction with Leafia’s thoughts, which is nice to see. Often, wolves who are suspected early on will be much more skittish than Garfooled is here, as they do not want to further dig themselves into the hole. This kind of comfort is why I stated that my read on Garfooled is trending up.

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jail’s entitlement (as I understood it at the time) was entitlement based on the fact that he expressed a read. I find that towny entitlement tends to be much more vague and based around the fact that the player in question did nothing wrong: only a townie knows for certain they did not have any subtle tells that people could pick up on.

This was (seemingly) a case of somebody stating that they did something right and therefore deserve to be townread, which does not similarly come from an inherently town perspective. “I expressed a read and changed my mind when somebody reacted, therefore I should be townread” is a thought I expect people to have when they are only making reads and changing their mind in order to be townread, rather than simply having real thoughts. They are different sources of entitlement and therefore carry connotations.

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this one, 136


i thought it was magnus providing cover for leafia to come in and not act like that and thus be “obviously” in her towny meta


I like this thought.

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but then leafia was like “no i do that all the time”

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Is this to say it’s just NAI for both of them?

Also I can’t help but think that maybe you’re paired with Gar, and the reason she’s been more comfortable is that you’re here to help