The Amazing Digital Circus Vigilante ten-er - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

who would you rather kill today

thx sometimes i forgor things


Someone or bystander are the players I find I nominally read worse than them, but I do not think either has been especially wolf-indicative. I may need to re-evaluate.

it’s eod soon
i scared

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what do you like about pandora though

also yknow what else terrfies me

if im not the vote today
im just cover for mafia tonight
id be the shot

i know it’s like im trying to get myself killed
but genuinely
the shift from me to someone else
kind of scares me as well?

i get someone vote tbh

i always get crazy cold feet wagoning low activity players though. but yeah there certainly isn’t a very. high amount of solving in that iso so tbh i get it, especially since most of our louder people this game have been tonally pure sounding im ngl

you said that magnus has a more cold demeanor as wolf
what posts specifically have made you feel different this game?
because I haven’t been getting much town vibes from them
just neutral

yeah i get this too but idt its inherently bad

if it helps im pretty sure the game is like the most active a bit later during this time of day anyway

I think pandora’s thoughts have been natural and open in a way that a wolf would hide if they wanted to conceal their agenda. It is not my strongest townread, but it is a townlean in a way that makes me unenthusiastic about wagoning it.

in fact maybe the slightest scumlean
because they act confident about reads on certain people but then hedge a bit?

by certain people i mean me
because I always assumed I’m an open book to magnus
but they’re hedgey af on me this day


anyway i lowkey voted pandora for lols cuz im ngl im kinda stumped on who to vote but i got an observation from leafia so im proud of myself

is magnus usually hedgy

its been a while but i vaguely remember someone else calling them out for being hedgy as town but it was definitely a while ago so dunno


hi microwave!

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how u feeling this eod

spill the beans


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