The Amazing Digital Circus Vigilante ten-er - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

i dont have any bangers at the top of my head rn though

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lol I finally got to this post
let me find the posts I didnā€™t like back then

and then theyā€™re gone for the night
without even voting anyone for pressure?

it struck me odd
leafia just liking 2 people at random and then dipping

in previous games Iā€™ve see leafia town as
they pop in
make wallposts
and immediately have a confident wolf read
and vote

this just felt different?
i guess I didnā€™t take into consideration that there were barely any posts and leafia went to bed maybe because of that or something
and maybe this is just not that alignment indicative of them at all

i do also believe that some people just come off as more wolfy than others just from maybe their jokey manner
I think a large portion of the reason why I came off scummy this game
was yeah I was uncertain on how to make an entrance sure
I had nothing I really wanted to comment on at the moment yet I let my thread presence be known
I didnā€™t have solid cohesive reads yet and was being asked questions
I wanted to blurt out whatever I had in my mind, even if it was nonsensical somewhat, and have it unfiltered, so I could be read more into properly
and no one really liked the responses I gave because I had no solid thought at that point, was tired, and yet engaged with the thread
i should just went to bed like leafia did :smiling_face_with_tear:


Yea no I get that, I 100% agree with u

why not?

I dont think I have ever not been in POE

VOTE: someone


Because we want to play the game we signed up for.

Iā€™m not opposed to it. VOTE: Pandora

Especially since how relaxed the gamestate is currently has me thinking that both Garfooled and Someone could be villagers here.

VOTE: pandora

wagons are wagoning

we have an hour before eod who :up:

i still reading
it really is like me to start doing shit like the last hour
like how I submitted songs the last 2 minutes in music league :sob:

reads on leafia ? ! @everyone

sheā€™s fine :stuck_out_tongue:
i like her


i get you

i literally procrastinate everything iā€™m so cooked

This feels a bit opportunistic to me so Iā€™m going to keep it in mind. If Pandora flips w, Iā€™ll be willing to lock Jail in as town from this. If Pandora flips town, I think the vig should shoot Someone and if he flips w, we should yeet Jail into the sun.

can i ask if thereā€™s specific posts that made you change your mind bc it seemed like you had more qualms with her slot than anything


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I am not so energetic right now. I do not feel good about either Pandora or Garfooled as executions.


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